In January of this year, a Mossad operation stole a half ton of secret nuclear files from a warehouse in Tehran. What Was the Iran-Contra Affair? Interrogé sur la riposte de l'Iran à l'assassinat de son scientifique, l'ancien responsable du Mossad affirme qu'il n'est pas improbable que Téhéran se venge d'Israël : il pourrait le faire hors d'Israël mais aussi à … « Cette attaque, qui a visé le centre de renseignement et d’opération spéciale du Mossad, a fait 10 morts et blessés chez les sionistes dont trois ont été identifiés ». Ben Ariel , … Who will have the last laugh? L'Iran a affirmé lundi que son éminent physicien nucléaire assassiné vendredi avait été victime d'une opération "complexe" impliquant des moyens "complètement nouveaux" et en a accusé le Mossad, les services secrets israéliens, et un groupe d'opposition interdit. FDD’s Long War Journal has compiled the following list of notable targeted killings attributed to the Mossad. The German freighter "Scheersberg A" disappeared on its way from Antwerp to Genoa along with its cargo of 200 tons of yellowcake , after supposedly being transferred to an Israeli ship. Written by Zonder and Omri Shenhar and directed by Daniel Syrkin, the Apple TV+ series is a high-octane thriller about a covert Mossad operation in Tehran to destroy Iran’s nuclear programme. Four years later, the world was astonished by the abduction of former SS-Obersturmbannfuhrer Adolf Eichmann, responsible for deportations of millions of Jews to Nazi extermination camps, from Argentina, where he had lived since 1950 under the fake name Ricardo Klement. In April, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu revealed the treasure trove of documents that proved Iran was lying about their nuclear program. In April, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu revealed the treasure trove of documents that proved Iran was lying about their nuclear program. A 6 Hour, 29 Minute Window to Steal Project Amad. The 15-bullet riddled car of senior Mossad officer Fahmi Hinavi, December 3, 2020 (screenshot via Twitter) VT: Confirmed, Fahmi Hinavi, operational chief of Israel’s Mossad, was killed by an Iranian team inside Tel Aviv on Thursday night. Mossad chief demanded bold response against Iran for attack on Israeli-owned ship, while Chief of Staff Kochavi sought moderate response. Mossad’s female agents operate undercover in Iran as part of Israel’s most important missions, a new book reveals. Déterminés à neutraliser l’impact politique de cette constatation, les Israéliens ont apparemment commencé à travailler sur un nouveau lot de documents iraniens top secrets. The documents were bulky, so the operatives only took what they believed were the most important ones. "The political and military officials of the Zionist regime had explicitly stated that they would not allow progress in lifting the oppressive sanctions and now they think that they will achieve their goal, but the Zionists will get their answer in further nuclear progress," said Zarif. Did Mossad's 2018 Iran operation pave way for 2020 explosions? “We see explicit material related to nuclear weapons from different sources, some of it not Iranian in origin.” Israeli intelligence, Iran itself continues to deny that they would ever leave their documents unguarded or that they ever had the designs for a nuclear bomb, calling the whole Mossad operation and resulting finds “laughable.”. But as any good thief knows, alarm systems can be bypassed when you know what you’re doing. | History. They only trusted their alarm systems. Pour enrayer le programme nucléaire irakien, Israël puis l'Iran firent plusieurs tentatives.. Mossad means business and nothings else. Others were shown only briefly or not at all, on the grounds that they contained explicit technical details that could be used to make nuclear weapons.”, Screenshot – Iranian chamber allegedly used by Iran to test implosion devices of the kind used to detonate a nuclear bomb. Le sabotage du dispositif électrique du réacteur de Natanz l'a une fois de plus démontré : l'institution est bien implantée en Iran Les allégations selon lesquelles l'objectif réel était de nuire aux négociations sur l'accord nucléaire devraient être traitées avec scepticisme • L'Iran veut se venger de lui-même • Interprétation Yoav Limor Publié dans: 15.04.2021 17:01 Mis… Huit mois après l’opération audacieuse, publiée par « Yediot Aharonot » certains documents ont été amenés de Téhéran, et cette operation a donc exposé de nouveaux détails grâce au renseignement israélien qui a montré au monde comment l’Iran mentait et niait développer des armes nucléaires. Follow us for breaking news and latest updates: Copyright © 2021 Uncle Sam's Misguided Children. Mossad. New York Times : nouvelles informations sur l’opération du Mossad en Iran. By subscribing I accept the terms of use and privacy policy. L’Iran a affirmé lundi que son éminent physicien nucléaire assassiné vendredi avait été victime d’une opération « complexe » impliquant des moyens « complètement nouveaux » et en a accusé le Mossad, les services secrets israéliens, et un groupe d’opposition interdit.
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