Drowned. It’s a common misconception that ganseys – or guernseys – originate from Guernsey in the Channel Islands. This goes back to when there was a forest at Vazon, but it was destroyed by a tidal wave in AD709. In 2020 Donkipedia ceased to exist as a separate website and its content has now been incorporated into Jerripedia using the Guernsey link in the left column. we've walked it several times and only saw it the once. It seemed to run away but still walk beside us. It’s a depressant and slows down your ability to think, speak and move. food poisoning) I add a teaspoon from that pot to "put my love into my cooking". The popular writing competition, which is open to local pupils in the Bailiwick of Guernsey of all ages, is launched by the Guernsey Literary Festival this week (11 Jan). While the jurisdiction of Guernsey has complete autonomy over internal affairs and certain external matters, the topic of complete independence from the British Crown has been discussed widely and frequently, with ideas ranging from Guernsey obtaining independence as a Dominion to the bailiwicks of Guernsey and Jersey uniting and forming an independent Federal State within the Commonwealth, … Want to learn more about our fascinating folklore? In this section we will explore some of the most amazing myths and legends from around the world—legends that may hold truths that can unlock the secrets of our ancient origins. if you scratch off the face and go back a few minutes later it is said that the face is carved back into the tree. Think of this creature as the faerie dog’s demonic, scarier, and darker cousin. The costs of keeping Jerripedia (including the substantial Guernsey section starting on this page) running on the Web are considerable, and for ten years they were met by the Guernsey Society. La Table des Pions. Next day I went to work, I spoke of my encounter and my work/housemates laughed with me and endorsed my story to the tune that they had also felt a presence in the house as well sometimes. MartinThe Forest of Vazon is a book published in 1889 by Harrison & Sons. Alcohol is a drug. Stories all of witchcraft and fairies, devils and ghosts have been passed through the generations from family to family There is an exhibition and school sessions at the Guille-Alles Library involving local artist Charlie Buchanan, whose new paintings are part of an ongoing series entitled L’Olures or Myths in Guernesiais and may well be ideal to inspire young writers. Do you know any legends or superstitions about any of the islands in the Bailiwick? While their population once thrived, those suspected of practicing witchcraft were persecuted in the 16th and 17th centuries. I had an experience with an entity in a flat up near the rib shack. I was more intigued than frightened. I was walking home one morning at about 1:30 up the narrow winding lane that goes past a gate to a hotel there. In addition to pouques. Known to locals as the Fairy Ring, la Table des Pions is one of Guernsey’s most famous sites of myth and legend. The story of Gautier de la Salle, one of the most "ill-founded" legends in Guernsey, is a case in point. This was on 12/02/09, has anybody heard any superstiions in le prince estate, My friend went to fauxquet valley years ago, n he heard a loud pronouned scream rite in the middle of the pathway but he couldsnt see anything n he never went bk until he came with me n he told me bout it on the way there bout the scream we got there n we walked a 3rd of way throu this time n we heard a scream but it was in the distance this time but it was coming from exactly the same place in the middle. Le Creux es Faies is the entrance to the land of the fairies La Laoungue Rocque is a giant's bat, thrust into the ground when his playmate refused to fetch the ball they were playing with (now le Hanois) And so forth. During this period, 44 suspects were burnt at the stake at the bottom of Tower Hill in St Peter Port, while another 35 were banished from the island. Because me and my friends were walking from cobo chippy n went to go through sumeraz park nature trail n next to the p.e garage opposite the bridge was a dark figure that looked as though it was wearing a monks robe or something like that and we screamed and ran to a friends house and told them to come and have alook and when we got there it wasn't there and when my other friends asked if anything or body was there the wind got really strong and we stayed away until school started. One day i was washing the bath, when i felt my bra strap being pinged, no one was in the house appart from my 3 month old little girl! Could any one please let me know if Vazon has any history of wolfs or any other strange goings on??? It seemed to run away but still walk beside us. That arrangement is now ended and, if we are to continue, we have to secure the necessary funding in other ways. Some are of hauntings, some of superstitions and some are legends. Pouques & Other Guernsey Folklore. On other occations i have had my bottom smacked, and seen strange shadows and things moving. Unlike the traditional depiction of the witch riding a broomstick, Guernsey’s witches flew using invisible wings, suggesting some relation to the pouques. My grandfather used to tell me that the black dog was the sign of death. Plan your trip to Guernsey today! Many still survive with some having been repurposed. FREE Returns. The popular writing competition, which is open to local pupils in the Bailiwick of Guernsey, is launched by the Guernsey Literary Festival this week (11 Jan). Some of the wierd stuff that went on there was crazy. Many of which I have experienced first hand along with other independent witnesess. One day i was washing the bath, when i felt my bra strap being pinged, no one was in the house appart from my 3 month old little girl! He said he hoped to add things "people can see, touch or feel" and their stories to the Google map. SIGN UP TO RECEIVE THE LATEST NEWS AND OFFERS. The gansey pullover as we know it appears to have nothing at all to do with the island of Guernsey. Originally used as a rest stop for island officials who were out surveying roads, its curious appearance inspired plenty of rumours over the years, and the site has been linked with fairies, witches and elves. ben carreanybody know ghosts that haunt millbrook estate, louis la mare de Carteret school fields haunted? Because me and my friends were walking from cobo chippy n went to go through sumeraz park nature trail n next to the p.e garage opposite the bridge was a dark figure that looked as though it was wearing a monks robe or something like that and we screamed and ran to a friends house and told them to come and have alook and when we got there it wasn't there and when my other friends asked if anything or body was there the wind got really strong and we stayed away until school started. Costa Rica's Top 15 Legends and Myths 1- The Virgin of the sea . Edwin was killed in action on 1st December 1917 when he was 35. Stories of witchcraft and fairies, devils and ghosts have been passed through the generations from family to family and evidence of these tales can be viewed in the physical landscape of Guernsey. liam i was just wondering if anyone had any info on herms ghosts and dark history? (This posed a conundrum to the Channel island of Guernsey when three witches turned up there in 1617. The exhibition, which aligns the visual arts and literature, is curated by Art for Guernsey. The spirits are all around us. Right now i am studying The Loch Ness Monster but i decided to try and look at some legends from guernsey and they sound quite creepy! Vucub-Caquix (K'iche': Wuqub’ Kaqix, [ʋuˈquɓ kaˈqiʃ], possibly meaning 'seven-Macaw') is the name of a bird demon defeated by the Hero Twins of a Kʼicheʼ-Mayan myth preserved in an 18th-century document, entitled ʼPopol Vuhʼ. Stories abound about everything from fairies and witchcraft to the devil and mad dogs. I am a mythologist and that means i loovvveee legends . Rumours travel quickly in a small community like Guernsey, and stories are passed down through families, which creates some fascinating stories and superstitions! Some of the wierd stuff that went on there was crazy. MYTH: Alcohol gives you energy. The National Trust Folk & Costume Museum at Saumarez Park also tells the fascinating story of Guernsey life in years gone by. The episode of the demon's defeat was already known in the Late Preclassic Period, before the year 200 AD. By pressing subscribe you agree to be contacted by us according to our privacy policy. Everything from an itchy nose to seeing magpies has a meaning. not a malevolent entity as the place had actually quite a nice vibe to it. I've got many many stories to tell. Much appreciated, i also forgot to ad the houses im in now dad and mums are also both before victorian times and are haunted we mobved into my mums house 3 xmas ago now and every febuary my mum will her 3 woman wispering in her ear in the hallway my stepdad has also seen a babies face in the windw and my younger brother that would of been about 3 or 4 at the time said ther was a man standing in his room and my mum made my steodad stand their to show him their wasnt and he felt tingling down his spine and went cold, i use to live in a house by vale school and my mum would see shadows and my step dad was in his room one night and the doorhandle was lifted and no one was their wen he went to look. Um - surely some of this should be in the Faith Section of the site? I'll tell some of them when i get a chance soon. The Fairy Ring at Pleinmont is one of Guernsey’s best-known folklore sites, a mysterious dug out circle surrounded by stones. I am not the only one who has saw these or felt these things in my house, visiting family and friends has also had or saw similar thing happen! You can still find bits of petrified wood there now. Legends and superstitions thrive in Guernsey and form a large part of its rich folklore heritage. Your story could be inspired by a Guernsey or Greek myth, or by a legend from the past such as Robin Hood or King Arthur. just to say quickly that alot of your questions can be answered in the book 'folklore of guernsey' by Marie De Garis. Then Brexit and politics took over, and the likelihood of the European Union extending the AIFMD passport to third countries now appears remote until the UK and EU have reached a trade agreement with respect to financial services. if so what or who by? A century later, t he Islands of Guernsey were occupied during the Second World War. But I have lived in a few different buildings in Guernsey, all of which have their own wierd quirks etc... all of which, many people have experienced or at least felt/sensed some of the crazy goings on. Even at low levels, it affects your perception, coordination and judgement, long before any physical signs of impairment occur. I look forward to my walk again tonight..... Guernsey is so full of supernatural beings. This goes back to when there was a forest at Vazon, but it was destroyed by a tidal wave in AD709. Folklore has been a large part of Guernsey life for centuries. It did and I intuitively, almost with a super-sense realised what had happend. Take street names for example Les Varioufs, in the pansh of Forest, means the werewolves and Le Pid de Boeuf is where the Devil was said to have left a footprint. Pic by Adrian Miller 05-11-19.Deputy Michelle Le Clerc. The tales come from across Guernsey, Alderney, Sark and Herm and even Jethou and Lihou. To la gran mer: There is information in the book Guernsey Folklore by MacCulloch. To ensure all my cooking goes well and all who eat my food are protected from bad things (e.g. I look forward to my walk again tonight..... Guernsey is so full of supernatural beings. no one was there... then footsteps coming toward me i backed up the stairwell to let "it" pass. Guernseys Come From Guernsey. BeeMy friend lives in a small but tall house near the big checkers (in guernsey) and sometimes we used to see a black cat at the top of the stairs when we came through the front door. © Copyright States of Guernsey 2001 - 2021. Witchcraft is very much alive and well in the islands! I take some with me when I leave. lukeit is said that a certain house im not sure which has a screaming child and a mother in the top window midnight every night this house is unocccupied, gretretdo you know where i can get any books on the Legend of the Vazon Forest, Alice and IzzyWe saw the dog, the black dog called Tchico, lumbering towards us. PouqueUm - surely some of this should be in the Faith Section of the site? It's thought many of the stories may have been made up to keep islanders away from the hide outs of smugglers and pirates. I take some with me when I leave. Marie De Garis is the best place to look, as well as "These Haunted Islands", although the latter book can be a bit over-credulous. Myths and superstitions abound in the Bailiwick. any comments will much appreciated. Folklore has been a large part of Guernsey life for centuries. BBC Guernsey website, Bulwer Avenue, St Sampsons, Guernsey, GY2 4LA. This page has been archived and is no longer updated. I was more intigued than frightened. Two years ago, Guernsey was set to receive the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD) passport to allow marketing of Guernsey funds across Europe. Also would love some information on the Pouque tales and stories about the ancient stone sites like Les Fouillage and Le Dehus etc. It had large fiery eyes and we were scared but intrigued. The BBC reserves the right to edit comments submitted. how freaky is that. The Legend of the Vazon Forest is that a ghostly sow and her piglets can be seen at the full moon, rooting around on the sands. how freaky is that. It never used to do any harm but it was even weirder when it had a top hat on ... strange! I was wondering if anyone had heard of a book called "The Legend of the Vazon Forest"? However, supernatural forces coming from the priory on nearby Lihou Island often disrupted the sorcerers, and they would move to other locations including Rocquaine, Le Longfrie and Les Eturs. It makes my home a happy place to be – and even when I'm down I can take some happiness and love with me. ... on to still put others first before herself and this is the reason why Karen Gibbs has nominated her for a Pride of Guernsey award. luke davidmy dad and a group of friends went ghost hunting 1 night at fauxhuet vally and it is believed that a ghostly figure passed right through there car till this day they say it was a dark figure. OutlanderI used to live in Tower Hill. Make sense of your data. Guernsey was supposedly haunted by a number of ghoulish canines, including one named Tchico who roamed around the Tower Hill area of St Peter Port during the winter months. I think it's because by this action I remind myself to do this action in love. Also i am around in Vazon babysitting for a friend at the moment, and i have just heard a strange howling sound! If someone were to arrange some sort of storytelling gathering, I would feel much obliged to add my input. Such stories meant that it was the sighting of a black dog that signified bad luck in Guernsey, rather than the black cat superstition that exists elsewhere. In it were seven tales from the Channel Islands, including the tragic and sensational story of John Andrew Gordier. ProductId : 3776900.
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