55ème Edition de la fête de la Jeunesse - … Pendant que vous dormiez. Gesetzliche Feiertage 2021 in Sri Lanka. The prime minister would serve as the deputy to the president and successor. https://www.facebook.com/GalleBH/videos/2398102400269324/UzpfSTMzNzI4NjIyOTY4NDQ3MjoyNDQ0MjY5MjU1NjUyODE1/. The president of Sri Lanka (Sinhala: ශ්‍රී ලංකා ජනාධිපති Śrī Laṃkā Janādhipathi; Tamil: இலங்கை சனாதிபதி Ilankai janātipati) is the head of state and head of government of Sri Lanka. It curtails any president’s immunity by making him liable to fundamental rights litigation on any official act.[2]. By tradition the president and past presidents are not subjected to income tax. In 2010, the eighteenth amendment to the constitution removed the limited number of terms an incumbent president can stand for re-election. M. Buddhi K. Athauda, ambassadeur du Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka’s parliament has approved constitutional changes that give … The president is the chief executive of the union government and the commander-in-chief of the Sri Lanka Armed Forces. Veteran journalist Sudewa Hettiarachchi, who was appointed as the Director General of the President’s Media…. Last modified on Fri 23 Oct 2020 08.32 EDT . [7] Currently the president's security is provided by the elite Special Task Force (STF) of the Sri Lanka Police. National honors would be awarded by the president on behalf the Government of Sri Lanka. Le président Rajapakse prévoit de dissoudre le parlement la semaine prochaine et d’organiser de nouvelles élections générales. [9], Under the Constitutions of Sri Lanka, holders of the office of president are granted a pension equal to the last pay drawn while in office and privileges equivalent to a serving cabinet minister. Banyan Sri Lanka’s new president is putting soldiers in charge of everything. Solid waste management has become an enormous issue for many countries in the world as well as for Sri Lanka. The president would receive letter of credence from foreign ambassadors. ASIE/ SRI LANKA - « Le Saint-Père est dans les mains de Dieu, mettons notre confiance en Lui et continuons notre travail pastoral », dit à Fides le président des Évêques du Sri Lanka. COLOMBO, 20 novembre (Xinhua) -- Le président sri-lankais Gotabaya Rajapaksa a déclaré que son pays travaillerait avec la Chine pour promouvoir la construction de l'initiative "la Ceinture et la Route", a-t-on appris vendredi d'un communiqué de l'ambassade de Chine à Colombo. Under the Soulbury Constitution which consisted of the Ceylon Independence Act, 1947 and The Ceylon (Constitution and Independence) Orders in Council 1947, Ceylon (as Sri Lanka was known then) became a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary form of government. Le Président de la République, Paul BIYA a reçu tour à tour en audience dans l’après-midi de jeudi 18... Joyeux Anniversaire Monsieur le Président ! In 1978, the second amendment to the Constitution moved from a westminster system into a presidential system with the president serving as both head of state and head of government. Le 21 avril 2019, plusieurs explosions ont eu lieu à différents endroits, y compris dans des hôtels et des églises, dans l’agglomération de Colombo et à Batticaloa. This removed the two-term limit that existed allowing the incumbent president to serve multiple terms as well as increasing his power by replacing the broader constitutional council with a limited parliamentary council. While there is no formal uniform for the president, traditionally male presidents would wear the national dress, while the only female president wore saris. 7 of 1978 to provide funds for relief of poverty, access to special healthcare, advancement of education or knowledge, advancement of the religion and culture, providing awards to persons who have served the nation and for any other purposes beneficial or of interest to the public. If he/she is a citizen having been nominated as a candidate for such office by a recognized political party or elected member of the legislature. . Succession to or vacancies in the office of president may arise under several possible circumstances: death or incapacity, resignation and removal from office. The amendment mandates that the president has to consult the prime minister on ministerial appointments. However, to prolong the state of emergency for more than a month parliamentary approval is needed. Sri Lanka Freedom Party Fille du Premier ministre Solomon Bandaranaike , et de la Première … President Mahinda Rajapaksa during his tenure had appointed 38 advisers.[8]. Le clan Rajapaksa veut les pleins pouvoirs au Sri Lanka. The president may also appoint secretaries, officers and staff to carry out the duties of the office of the president. The President would be the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, head of the cabinet of ministers and could dissolve parliament (after one year has passed since the convening of parliament after a parliamentary election)[citation needed]. In 1972, the new Republican Constitution, declared Sri Lanka a republic and the monarchy was abolished. vendredi, 25 février 2005 AFGHANISTAN. The president would have the power to receive and recognize, and to appoint and accredit ambassadors, high commissioners, plenipotentiaries and other diplomatic agents. The highest-ranking of which are known as senior advisers. The president has the ability to appoint any number of advisers as presidential advisers. It is administrated by the Presidential Secretariat. The president may appoint officers from the armed forces to serve as his aide-de-camp as well as extra-aide-de-camp. . The president may appoint any number of coordinating secretaries to assist him/her. An elected president can serve a maximum of two terms, with each term taking effect from the date of taking a public oath of the office for the elected term. Thereby the office of the governor-general was replaced by that of president as head of state and the prime minister continued to serve as the head of government. He/she may appoint any number of advisers as presidential advisers and coordinating secretaries to assist him/her. NRA, Sri Lanka, Côte d'Ivoire : les informations de la nuit . The current president is Gotabaya Rajapaksa. For ground travel, the president uses the presidential state car, which is an armored black Mercedes-Benz S-Class (S600) Pullman Guard. The president has the right to attend Parliament once in every three months with all the privileges, immunities and powers of a member of Parliament, other than the entitlement to vote, and shall not be liable for any breach of the privileges of Parliament or of its members. The president is a dominant political figure in Sri Lanka. Prior to the formation of the President's Guard, army personnel served as a squadron under the President's Security Division since 1996 and focused on key tasks including the perimeter security of presidential residence, Temple Trees. The National War Heroes Flag was pinned on President Gotabaya Rajapaksa at the Presidential Secretariat…, Veteran journalist Sudewa Hettiarachchi, who was appointed as the Director General of the President’s Media…, Mr. Dilum Amunugama was sworn in as the State Minister for Community Police Services before…, As promised to the people, our government has safeguarded national security and sovereignty. Les endroits suivants pourraient être ciblés : 1. les édifices gouvernementaux, y compris les écoles; 2. les lieux de culte; 3. les aéroports, ainsi que d’autres plaques tournantes et réseaux de transp… Marée noire. Sri Lanka (singhalesisch ශ්‍රී ලංකා, śrī laṃkā, [ˌɕriːˈlaŋkaː]; Tamil இலங்கை, ilaṅkai), bis 1972 Ceylon (seither Demokratische Sozialistische Republik Sri Lanka), ist ein Inselstaat im Indischen Ozean, 237 km (Westküste der Insel) östlich der Südspitze des … President's Security Division (PSD) is the main unit of the charged with the close protection of the President of Sri Lanka. Die Wahl war durch das weitgehende Verschwinden der beiden traditionellen großen Parteien Sri Lankas, der United National Party und der Sri Lanka Freedom Party, … The president would have the power to appoint and remove, the chief justice, justices of the Supreme Court, justices of the Court of Appeal and judges of the High Court. Aufgrund der COVID-19-Pandemie wurde der Wahltermin verschoben. [3] The president would lead the independence day celebrations as well as other national ceremonies such as remembrance day, Wap Magul (ceremonial ploughing) and receive the Perahera Sandeshaya. Courrier international. 252,294 … President Gotabaya Rajapaksa visited the Welanwita Village at Haldummulla in the Badulla District this morning…, This is the official website of the President of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, මෙය ශ්‍රී ලංකා ප්‍රජාතන්ත්‍රවාදී සමාජවාදී ජනරජයේ, ජනාධිපතිවරයාගේ නිල වෙබ් අඩවියයි, இது இலங்கை ஜனநாயக சோசலிசக் குடியரசின் ஜனாதிபதியின் உத்தியோகபூர்வ இணையத்தளம் ஆகும், War Heroes Commemoration Flag pinned on President declaring War Heroes Commemoration Month, PMD Director-General Sudewa Hettiarachchi and President’s Spokesman Kingsly Rathnayaka assume duties, Dilum Amunugama new State Minister for Community Police Services, Senior journalist Sudewa Hettiarachchi appointed Director-General of PMD, President visits Haldummulla to inspect progress of “Gama Samaga Pilisandara”, ගරු ජනාධිපති ගෝඨාභය රාජපක්ෂ මැතිඳුන් ජාතිය අමතා කළ පළමු කතාව, ජනාධිපතිවරණය ජය ගැනීමෙන් පසු මැතිවරණ කොමිෂන් සභාවේ දී ගෝඨාභය රාජපක්ෂ මහතා කළ කතාව. In the case when the president is unable to perform his/her duties, his/her powers are temporarily transferred to the prime minister until confirmed by Parliament. Politique intérieur Les élections législatives du 5 août 2020 ont confirmé le résultat de l’élection présidentielle du 16 novembre 2019, donnant une solide majorité (65% des sièges) au parti du Chef de l’Etat, M. Gotabaya Rajapaksa. Le président sri-lankais Gotabaya Rajapaksa s'est dit convaincu que le projet de port de Hambantota financé par la Chine aurait un vaste potentiel pour générer des revenus et créer des emplois au bénéfice de la population locale et ne constituerait pas un "piège de la dette", ont rapporté samedi les médias locaux, citant un communiqué du bureau du président. Dissolution. Other presidential residences include: In recent years from time to time Prime Minister's House, commonly referred to as Temple Trees, which has been the traditional residence of the prime minister since 1948, has been used by some presidents such as Kumaratunga and Mahinda Rajapaksa. The Presidential Secretariat is the government ministry that functions as the office and staff of the president, supporting the administrative functions of the presidency and other ministerial portfolios that are held by president. Toute l’actualité sur le sujet Sri Lanka. The president has the power to commission public inquires by appointing a Presidential Commission of Inquiry to investigate any issue. The monarch of Ceylon, served as head of state, represented by the governor-general with the prime minister serving as the head of government. Initially located at President's House, the staff of the office of the president grew with the establishment of the executive presidency and moved into the former Parliament building in Colombo in the 1980s which now hosts the Presidential Secretariat. Die Parlamentswahl in Sri Lanka 2020 fand am 5. 4 (VVIP/VIP) Helicopter Squadron of the Sri Lanka Air Force are used while for long distance travel, regular flights of the Sri Lankan Airlines are used. He can place the country or any part under a state of emergency, under which they can override any law passed and promulgate any regulation without needing legislative approval. Fri 23 Oct 2020 08.05 EDT. The president may declare war and peace. 12/10/2020 - 10:55. For domestic air travel, helicopters from the No. The president is the chair of the Board of Governors of the President's Fund which was established under the President’s Fund Act No. [10], Constitution of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, seventeenth constitutional amendment of 2001, Sri Lankan presidential line of succession, Official state car of President of Sri Lanka, Air transports of Heads of Government of Sri Lanka, "Of Ministers' Salaries And Parliamentary Perks", Policy Statement delivered by President Maithripala Sirisena addressing the 8th Parliament of Sri Lanka on September 1, 2015, Sri Lanka Army Officers Service Regulations, Of Ministers’ Salaries And Parliamentary Perks, Army personnel removed from Presidential Guard, Public Funds Wasted On Presidential Advisers, The official website of the President of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, The official website of the Presidential Secretariat of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, The official website of the Parliament of Sri Lanka - list of Heads of State, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=President_of_Sri_Lanka&oldid=1018982101, Articles containing Sinhala-language text, Articles with unsourced statements from January 2008, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. This practice dates back from pre-republic era when the crown was not subject to tax. The office was created in 1972 as a ceremonial head of state. PMD Director-General Sudewa Hettiarachchi and President’s Spokesman Kingsly Rathnayaka assume duties. This would include the order of precedence, an official residence, an office, staff, transport and security. Each president has a unique standard, incorporating traditional symbols associated with the president or his or her home region. Sri Lankan presidents are involved with every aspect of the government and are able to hold cabinet portfolios, or can bypass the cabinet posts by delegating decisions to the Presidential Secretariat. The pension will be in addition to any other pension which he/she would be entitled to due to prior service. A widow of a former president would receive a pension of two thirds which would have been entitled to their spouse and the privileges entitled to their late spouse such as an official residence, transport and the order of precedence. The Presidential Secretariat is headed by the secretary to the president (also known as the president's secretary), who is the most senior civil servant country. The president has the power to appoint senior attorneys-at-laws to the position of President's Counsel. Until 1972, Ceylon was a Commonwealth realm with Queen Elizabeth II as the head of state and Queen of Ceylon. However, in April 2015, President Maithripala Sirisena dissolved the President's Guard. Le nouveau président du Sri Lanka Gotabaya Rajapaksa a prêté serment lundi, actant le retour au pouvoir du puissant et redouté clan des Rajapaksa après une élection présidentielle marquée par un vote polarisé. Courrier international. Under the constitution a president would be selected in a Presidential election. The president has immunity from both civil or criminal proceedings, during the tenure of office and acts carried out during this period. After the oath of office has been taken by the elected president, a Presidential Standard is adopted by the president as the insignia his/her office. The governor-general replaced the position of the British governor of Ceylon who excised executive control over the entire island since 1815. Ensure that the Constitution is respected and upheld; Promote national reconciliation and integration; Ensure and facilitate the proper functioning of the Constitutional Council and other institutions; On the advice of the Election Commission, ensure the creation of proper conditions for the conduct of free and fair elections and referenda. Consultez l’ensemble des articles, reportages, directs, photos et vidéos de la rubrique Sri Lanka publiés le samedi 1 mai 2021. On ne peut écarter la possibilité que d’autres attentats soient commis. 2021-01-25 Prêtre assassiné à Mindanao. [5] It was increased from LKR 25,000 (≈ $ 163.25) to LKR 97,500 in 2006. May 3, 2021. Dazu Gedenktage, Ruhetage, religiöse Feste, Nationalfeiertag, Ferien sowie landesweite und regionale Bräuche. It became an executive post in 1978, and since then has been the single most dominant political office in the country. The Constitution sets the following qualifications for holding the presidency: The president is elected to office in a presidential election held nationwide for a term of maximum of five years. The president is the chief executive of the union government and the commander-in-chief of the Sri Lanka Armed Forces. Deputy Minister Dr. Harsha de Silva, in an interview with Daily mirror, responded to remarks made by President Maithripala Sirisena on the status of the economy. The president as an important ceremonial role in terms of state ceremonies, functions and in awarding state awards. Sri Lanka's President Gotabaya Rajapaksa presents the new government's policy statement during the inaugural session of the new parliament in Colombo [Dinuka Liyanawatte/Reuters] 20 Aug 2020 … Le 15 janvier 2020, M. Joël Guerriau (Les Indépendants - République et Territoires – Loire-Atlantique), président du groupe d’amitié France-Sri Lanka, accompagné de M. Michel Chasseing (Les Indépendants - République et Territoires – Corrèze), a reçu au Sénat S.E. The president may grant a pardon, respite or substitute a less severe form of punishment for any punishment imposed to any offender convicted of any offence in any court within the Republic of Sri Lanka. 03/12/2019 "Du danger d'assimiler l'antisionisme à l'antisémitisme" SRI LANKA . An elected presidency with a longer term and independence from Parliament was thus created. Die Wahl war zunächst auf den 25. 05/08/2020 Explosions à Beyrouth : "Quand le soleil se lèvera, ma ville n'existera plus" Dans la presse. August 2020 statt. Gotabaya Rajapaksa, né le 20 juin 1949 à Weeraketiya, est un homme d'État sri-lankais. Sri Lanka drifted into an authoritarian mode of governance under the previous regime. 07/08/2020 - 06:03. The president has immunity from both civil or criminal proceedings. This page was last edited on 20 April 2021, at 22:17. The government pays for meals and staff. Sri Lanka : toute l'actualité en direct, les événements, l'économie, la politique, les analyses, des photos et des vidéos pour rester informé en continu toute la journée In 2018, this practice was changed with the Inland Revenue Bill which removed the tax exception given to the President.[6]. Courrier international. He/she has the power to make the Statement of Government Policy in Parliament at the commencement of each session of Parliament (Speech from the Throne), to preside at ceremonial sittings of Parliament, to summon, prorogue and dissolve Parliament. Additionally, the president may appoint medical officers of the armed forces as Honorary Physician to the President and Honorary Surgeon to the President.[4]. Improper disposal of solid waste lead to a number of harmful… 31 03 '21 President receives stock of COVID 19 vaccine donated by China at BIA. Most notable would be the traditional throne speech delivered by the president to the parliament outlining the official policy statement of the new government to the parliament. Il est président de la République depuis le 18 novembre 2019. Ces attentats ont fait plus de 250 morts et 500 blessés. The president may appoint provincial governors to head the provincial council and serve as his/her representative in the province. It limited the presidency to two five-year terms. The president is the head of the executive, as such to keep the Public Seal of the Republic, and make and execute under the public seal numerous appointments which includes the prime minister, cabinet and non-cabinet ministers, provincial governors, public officers, ambassadors and commissioned officers of the armed forces. He/she has the right to address or send messages to Parliament. Duties of the president as described in the constitution are; Presidents have little constraints on their power. The president would receive a monthly salary (as of 2016) of LKR 97,500 (≈ $ 636.7) paid from the consolidated fund. No person who has been twice elected to the office of President by the People, shall be qualified thereafter to be elected to such office by the People. April 2020 als vorgezogene Wahl angesetzt gewesen. While other presidents such as Jayewardene and Sirisena have refuse to use the President's House, with the former preferring to stay at his personal residence Braemar and the latter at his former ministerial residence at Wijayarama Mawatha. Il existe une menace terroriste. The president of Sri Lanka (Sinhala: ශ්‍රී ලංකා ජනාධිපති Śrī Laṃkā Janādhipathi; Tamil: இலங்கை சனாதிபதி Ilankai janātipati) is the head of state and head of government of Sri Lanka. Asia May 16th 2020 edition. Senior journalist Sudewa Hettiarachchi has been appointed as the Director-General of the President’s Media Division…. Similarly, we…. Never mind the damage to national reconciliation after a long civil war . Grants and dispositions of lands and other immovable property vested in the Republic. The president shall be responsible to Parliament, and can be impeached by a two-thirds majority in Parliament. The office was … The official residence of the president in Colombo is the President's House (formerly the Queen's House as the residences of the governor-general). Au Sri Lanka, l’incendie du pétrolier New Diamond sous contrôle. 05/09/2020 - 11:02. During President Mahinda Rajapakse's time in office the specialized Army unit the 'President's Guard' was formed for Presidential Security. 5th Regiment Sri Lanka Armoured Corps was the first army unit chosen to be in the dedicated security of the president of Sri Lanka during the presidency of Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga. The nineteenth constitutional amendment implemented restrictions on the powers of the presidency by removing much of the changes made by the eighteenth amendment. The seventeenth constitutional amendment of 2001 reduced certain powers of the president in particular in regard to the appointment of the upper judiciary and independent commissions such as the election commission or the bribery and corruption commission. French.xinhuanet.com | Publié le 2020-11-21 à 03:03. During ceremonial occasions, ships and boats of the Sri Lanka Navy have been commissioned as the Presidential yacht.
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