Page 1 SUPER WOOFER SYSTEM SW-46W-UL2/SW-46S-UL2 DESCRIPTION The TOA SW series Super Woofers are super-low frequency loudspeaker system designed for professional applications in high-level sound reinforcement environments where high effi- ciency, super-low frequency range, and faithful reproduction are required, such as discos, concert halls, theaters, movie houses, auditoriums, and in … AoE stun on all enemies that have DoTs on them. Refreshes the cooldowns of one of your monsters allowing them to use their big CC or DoTs skill two turns in a row. Second skill does enemy max HP based damage (great since ToA monsters have super high max HP) and AoE attack breaks in case the enemies get a turn. Phone: +33 (0) 1 41 51 15 50 Increases ally ATB which makes it easier to keep the enemies CCed. (His multi-hits makes him AoE reduce ATB by 30%). I used baretta and aria to keep the light squad boss at 94 from attacking. These 4 mons are very useful overall. Her passive also increases the damage she and Shaina does by 35%. 1-59 I used my DPs line up with bella and ahman to heal. , but over land. Get Our Advanced Summoners War Guides - Learn More! Created Date: This skill makes it easy for your team to get their CC cooldowns back up. ToA is one of the best ways to get rewards in Summoners War. The amount of energy required in these areas depends on the stages, with higher stages requiring more energy than lower stages. ToA ( 4.1 / 5 ) Raid Battle ( 3.5 / 5 ) Farming ( 3.5 / 5 ) Your opinions. I know I didn’t recommend you to get him, but if you can fuse this guy! 90+ was the real game. The SF-60 uses a powerful HFD-651 compression driver for the mid/high frequencies. B7: 30 meters 2.08 - 2.35 µm: Shortwave infrared 2. Sixteen T-nut holes, screw-type input terminals and carrying handles are provided. The third skill does dots so you can clear high Hp stages a lot faster. Amazing for speed clearing the lower floors because he does huge AoE damage that doesn’t need defense break. Skill 2 self-heals himself and provokes a single target which is needed on a lot of boss stages. TOA is a company established in 1934, in Kobe, Japan. He is a big help in PvE. 2 Chances to AoE decrease enemy ATB by 30% with 30% chance each. Absorbs 15% attack bar with every hit. Moderator of r/summonerswar Archived. Second skill strips and put enemies skills on max cooldown which is great for stopping bosses from using their second or third skills. The Rune Farming Guide will show you how to build 100% success rate speed teams that clear each dungeon in 30-40 seconds. It is a 100 floor tower which escalates in difficulty as players advance. If paired with the right monsters and built with the right runes, she will let you auto all of ToA and ToAH faster than any other team. Great duo for Giants team plus these two helped me so much in my journey to beat 100. Discussion. 97 probably the easiest floor from 90-100. 93 was a joke. 3. I highly recommend you to get one and build with violent. I used konamiya here too just to add in a little ‘cheating’ resurge to reduce baretta cooldown so I could get dots on faster. Puts a single enemies cooldowns on max and AoE resets the ATB of enemies to 0 (Great for not allowing bosses to use their second and third skills while also CCing the side monsters). Defense break is also a minor benefit on boss stages to take them down faster since they are immune to DoTs. 75% chance to put a DoT on a single target with his first skill. Chaque étage est composé de trois phases où on retrouve durant les deux premières cinq monstres (un trio et un duo de monstres). Once again Sigmarus proved himself fuse-worthy (I didn’t fuse him btw rolled him ages ago). Bella and ahman is mostly what I used in toa 1-100. The basic strategy of toa is to crowd control the monsters. What TOA values is people’s smile. Its LE Series constant directivity horn ensures optimum performance and uniform sound dispersion. TOA Electronics Europe GmbH. Add in shannon despair and you got a strong squad. Get performance ratings and pricing on the Cuisinart TOA-65 AirFryer toaster oven toaster & toaster oven. This is how strong the crowd control team is. No matter wat I did I couldn’t get pass them. AoE Cleanse your team every turn in case they get debuffed. Keep in mind that my aria is only 11k Hp 5 stars, 5 stars baretta with 16k Hp, kona with 16k Hp 5 stars. ToA Megathread April 2020. The ice cloud is more reflective in the visible due to a smaller asymmetry parameter than that of water cloud. Assuming he is able to land all his DoTs, he is able to effectively eliminate 30% of the enemy’s HP from the get go! I used baretta lead, aria, Hwa, bernard, ahman to clear this stage. Third skill puts a AoE stack of DoTs and attack speed slow debuff x3 times (the 3x hits makes sure attack speed slow almost always lands on all enemies and puts 2-3 stacks of DoTs), First skill has a 50% chance to AoE reduce enemies ATB bar by 25%. Second skill puts up DoTs which is good for helping to kill side minions. Enough crowd control and you can utilise monsters with 10k and below HP, if you control the enemy well. The VX-3004F frame is one of three system managers of TOA's VX-3000 series rack-mount type public address and voice evacuation system certified according to the European Standard EN 54-16. Mainly used on the ToA 100 boss Lyrith because her incarnations can be Oblivioned. Low. Great for speed clearing lower floors because she does huge AoE damage and will be able to use his AoE again if he kills one of the enemies. RSR = Reflected Shortwave Radiation. All-Sky Clear-Sky Relative RMS Difference Between TOA Fluxes from Coincident VIRS Nadir and CERES Off-Nadir Radiances . Similar to Galleon except he reduces the enemy ATB bar instead of ATK buffs. Resets ATB back to 0 with second skill (Great for CC on bosses because they can’t be stunned). Same as Fig. Puts on 2 stacks of AoE DoTs with second skill. *Radiation budgets are from TOA. Third skill is pretty much a guaranteed full AoE stun which also gives Okeanos another turn right after so he can reduce his cooldowns faster. Good healer for Akroma stage because she also defense buffs which really helps your Dark tank survive. Monthly regional CERES LW and SW TOA fluxes in the CMIP5 archive are from the CERES Energy Balanced and Filled (EBAF) Ed2.7data product. About Us Energy is required in order to participate in most aspects of the game. About TOA. Dans Summoners War, le Tribunal d'Ascension est une tour composée de 100 étages qu'il faudra gravir en mode Normal ou "hard". 99 was frustrating. One of the best ToA monsters in the game. Each floor contains three waves of monsters, with the last wave containing a boss. TOA’s SW-38UL or SW-46UL2 ultra- linear superwoofers can be used with the SF-60 for high- level extremely low frequency response. It is unlocked on the map at level 15. (including boss stages and ToA 100), AoE stun with ATB reduction and defense break. I do recommend everyone to fuse baretta, farm ahman, Darion and bella from SD. I always get frustrated when I can’t beat a stage in less than 2 tries, so yeah I was frustrated but here sigmarus helped heaps! Being successful in ToA comes down too having tons of CC and using DoTs or the twins to kill the enemies. So if you read the whole ‘guide’ hats off to you. 3 debuffs make him a great pair with Water Homunculus to help him put up more DoTs. Good vs stages with a lot of passives because he puts up Oblivion which stops passives from working. Farm runes through Giants, refresh shop for more good runes and spend your crystals wisely. Both modes reset at the same time, every 30 days, on the 15th day of the month. It’s not necessarily for his despair use, but his kit itself. The third skill refreshes your entire team’s cooldowns so they can all use their big CC and DoT abilities two turns in a row. Overall size is … Better than 60 dB WB-2000-2 rechargeable battery or Single AA battery operation Baretta (L), Veromos, Belladeon, Bernard, Shannon, Baretta (L), Belladeon, Bernard/Spectra, Shannon, Mav, Baretta (L), Veromos, Belladeon, Shannon, Mav, Veromos (L), Belladeon, Bernard/Spectra, Shannon, Mav, Baretta (L), Veromos, Belladeon/Chasun, Water Homie, Mav, Baretta (L), Mantura, Belladeon/Chasun, Water Homie, Mav, Baretta (L), Veromos, Bernard, Belladeon/Chasun, Water Homie, Baretta (L), Veromos, Belladeon/Chasun, Water Homie, Briand, Baretta (L), Mantura, Belladeon/Chasun, Water Homie, Briand, Baretta (L), Zinc, Spectra, Water Homie, Verdehile, Baretta (L), Mantura, Charlotte/Lupinus/Lapis, Gildong/Woonhak/Woochi, Water Homie, Tyron/Verad (L), Zinc/Mantura/Rica, Charlotte/Lupinus/Lapis/Rica, Gildong/Woonhak/Woochi, Water Homie, Lushen (L), Lushen, Galleon, Zaiross, Sigmarus (ToAN Only), Lushen (L), Galleon, Zaiross, Sigmarus, Water Homie, Galleon/Bastet, Zaiross, Julie, Sigmarus, Water Homie, Galleon/Bastet/Mantrua, Lushen (L), Sigmarus/Rica, Water Homie, Akhamamir. WThe L and SW TOA fluxes in EBAF Ed2.7are derived It gives you scrolls, crystals, rainbowmons, devilmons, and is the only way to farm L&D and Legendary scrolls. 50% chance to AoE provoke, combined with a high chance to counter-attack with a stun. Third skill is an AoE 25% ATB absorb which is great for controlling enemies and getting more turns to lower her own cooldowns. Good healer for stages where you need heal block debuff like vs Halphas so he can’t heal and get his invincibility back. AoE puts all enemy’s skills on max cooldown. AoE freezes the enemies and puts up attack speed slow debuff. And some of you might ask why baretta. Great for speed clearing low floors because he AoE def breaks and ATK buffs your team. 50% chance to AoE decrease enemies attack speed or stun the target if they already have attack speed slow debuff on them. B6: 30 meters 10.40 - 12.50 µm: Thermal Infrared 1. You all would probably know why. Smart heal that will only be used when your monsters are low on HP. TOA Canada is currently offering allowable frequencies that may be used in the E01 (668 – 698 MHz, UHF) and F01 (636 – 666 MHz, UHF) frequency bands. Players must complete each floor in order to get to the top. The globally (60 °N/S) averaged reanalysis and observation results during the period of this study (03/2000 – 02/2012). I've been trying to beat the fire jokers first and have come through with 2 jokers down and full team but boom Seara just lands a turn after a double joker bomb or something and 3/5 down very quickly, I tried Fedora Chloe and Michelle for extended immunity but that only got me so far. TOA SW Up 99.62 99.23 99.60 TOA SW In 339.87 340.04 340.04 All-sky Ed2.8 Ed4.0 EdMZ Model data set: EdMZ All-sky pattern positions. Trial of Ascension (ToA) Guide - Teams, Monsters & Runes Get More Legend Runes Every Month! Second skill defense breaks, atk breaks, and heal blocks which is important for some boss stages. Leader skill: +19 Crit rate (good if you’re going for a full damage comp). Summoners War Trials of Ascension 100 Clear Guide by MIGHTY101. You all would probably know why. AoE Increases skill cooldown time of all enemies while putting up attack speed slow debuff. If you are having trouble with these stages you are going to have to work harder. This … Pretty good damage dealer so clearing stages fast because he does 30% increased damage for every debuff on the enemy. Anyways I will move on can’t say everything here. This is where the aria power kicks in. 100 was much much easier than my expectation. The occult girls are soo soo soo annoying, but what annoyed me the most were the Raoq’s and Verde stage. The color of the bar indicates the occurrence frequency for each cloud type. This was the only stage I used someone aside of my normal farmable team. The left bars are for single-layer clouds, and the right bars (hatched) are for multiple-layer clouds. With more than 30 locations, we contribute to create a safe and reliable society globally with excitement, supporting the needs of local community. Not just in toa, with good runes, they can get you up to late Conq and help you farm PvE content easier. One of these items ships sooner than the other. Skill 3 Removes 1 harmful effect on all allies and reduces their cooldowns by 1 while also putting up attack speed buff. 50% chance to AoE reduce enemies ATB by 30% and 100% chance to put up attack speed slow debuff with his third skill that’s only on a 3 turn cooldown. First skill will AoE freeze the enemies with a 25% chance, Second skill will AoE reduce ATB by 30% with a 50% chance, Third skill will AoE put 2 stacks of DoTs with a chance to put more stacks depending on how many debuffs are already on the target, With 3 AoE skills on despair, he’s an AoE CC and DoT machine. Basalt is great for that since hes tanky, heals, and puts up defense buff. SWMASTERS, LLC. It provides 16 speaker line outputs/zones. So I put in baretta to help me crowd control some of the waves. Having 2 AoE abilities will allow her to AoE stun a lot with despair runes. 2009) in many respects. All you need is a glancing debuffer or anti CRIt shield and sustain and you are good to go. Third skill stuns the enemy with the highest ATB. 98 looks hard but it really isn’t baretta and aria shut them down. She pulls Shaina into her attack which reduces Shaina’s cooldowns so she can use her AoE stun and ATB bar reduce skill more often. Puts up 2 stacks of AoE DoTs on a 3 turn cooldown. toa株式会社は業務用・プロ用の音響機器と、防犯・監視カメラなどセキュリティ機器の専門メーカーです。1934年の創業以来、現在は国内外に拠点を構え、世界120ヵ国以上に商品を供給しています。 AoE attack speed slow debuff with second skill (100% activation rate with only 2 turn cooldown), Great on despair with 2 AoE skills that have a low cooldown will mean tons of AoE stuns. First skill will put ATK break and Glancing hit debuff on bosses as a minor benefit. Single target attack speed slow + freeze. It gives you scrolls, crystals, rainbowmons, devilmons, and is the only way to farm L&D and Legendary scrolls. Farmable StrategyThanks so much for watching! 60-79 I used a team mixed of crowd control and DPS. All went well until I hit 80. F-93420 VILLEPINTE / FRANCE. "TOA 2. Best reviver for a ToA auto team, especially when paired with Chasun. The boss stage was surprisingly very easy. If you have gotten her, you can clear toa no problem. Puts 2 stacks of AoE DoTs with his third skill. I have not played game my whole life and may not have any idea about the old school game that you just mentioned but I love streaming, playing games and talking to chat so feel free to strike up a conversation! Can defense break and attack break which can be a minor help on boss stages. What I have to say for this floor in general is if u are using Hwa team, just clear right tower and make sure to cleanse the def debuff from boss through any cleanser(konamiya is best I found). I don’t have tyron or any other crowd control monster except for despair shannon. This version differs from EBAF Ed1.0 (Loeb et al. Cuisinart TOA-60 Air Fryer Toaster Oven, Silver (Renewed) $159.99 (88) Works and looks like new and backed by the Amazon Renewed Guarantee. Konamiya is another one. 95 is very easy if you use sustain team. Sigmarus helped to take them out quickly. Summoners War TOA Tower of Ascension Normal 60 Seara Boss Stage Team Building Guide Trail of Ascension! First stage I took Acasis out first here. AoE attack break and buff block which can be great on stages where enemies buff up a lot. Second stage I took Vanessa’s out first. 80-90 was pretty easy tbh. Provokes the enemy with an 80% chance, great for bosses but Mav is better because his is 100% chance. France branch. ToA is one of the best ways to get rewards in Summoners War. 28. Having 3 AoE abilities will allow her to AoE stun a lot with despair runes. 96 was tricky but I managed to DPs out of it. Toa 1-59 i autoed. Page 1 HT-371 super tweeter that handles only frequencies over 10kHz, for precise sonic tracking. Then I took advice of a fellow summoner and used baretta lead, Sigmarus, ahman, shannon and bella and got past it. Some hard boss floors will require having specific debuffs like slow and attack break or special abilities like attack bar reset and provoke. 90 wasn’t all that hard.. Just burst down viking boss at the end and you will pretty much win. Second skill has an 80% chance to AoE freeze. Your email address will not be published. ToA Megathread April 2020. Must have 4 star nat monster! The VX-3016F frame is one of three system managers of TOA's VX-3000 series rack-mount type public address and voice evacuation system certified according to the European Standard EN 54-16. 80 is another troublesome stage. PRs are . ocean with the sun overhead (Clear@TOA), water cloud with visible optical depth 10 and effective radius 10 microns (Water Cld@TOA), ice cloud with visible optical depth of 10 and effective diameter of 60 microns (Ice Cld@TOA). TOA's 5000 Series product line is affected. AoE Reduces the cooldown time of your team’s skills while giving your team attack speed buff. So get farming for those secret dungeons. I will share what my experiences were and what I learned. (this skill also cleanses). AoE reduces attack bar by 50% x2 times if the enemy has attack speed slow debuff. 91 was easy. radionoob80 streams live on Twitch! Third skill AoE decreases the enemies ATB by 30% x3 times. Giant's Keep B10 Guide,Progression Guides, Dragon's Lair B10 Guide,Progression Guides, ToA Guide (Normal & Hard),Progression Guides, Karzhan Guide (Level 5),Progression Guides, Ellunia Guide (Level 5),Progression Guides, Best Summoners War Monsters Guide [Updated List], Trial of Ascension (ToA) Guide - Teams, Monsters & Runes. Any must have monsters for 1-59? 0.52 - 0.60 µm: Green. La dernière dépendra de l'étage en question. But for real, what's your favorite anime? I got FIRE BROWNIE MAGICIAN from scroll :(((. Being successful in ToA comes down too having tons of CC and using DoTs or the twins to kill the enemies. OLR = Outgoing Longwave Radiation. Defense break on first skill, this is good on her because the type of team you use her with goes for max damage not DoT damage so you need defense break. Baretta and aria with despair is pretty much all the cc you need for the whole of toa. And OFCOURSE it was Hwa. Discussion. Third skill has a 100% chance to AoE freeze and reset the enemies ATB to 0. AoE Def Break and Attack Break are also very useful. Here you really have to be somewhat lucky with your stuns and violent procs if you have any violents. This cycle 60 was Seara and the bombers, so I had to manually use konamiya’s turns wisely to manipulate the Bombs. 255 Boulevard Robert Ballanger. Provides one of the best buff/debuff of entire game! Skill 3 AoE reduces enemies ATB back to 0 and puts up attack speed slow (Between these two skills he brings a ton of CC), Leader skill: +33% Attack Power (good if you’re going for a full damage comp). ToA has two different difficulties: Normal mode and Hard mode. Toa 60 was where I started manualling. Resampled from 60m to 30m. THIS SITE AND THE PRODUCTS AND SERVICES OFFERED ARE NOT ASSOCIATED, AFFILIATED, ENDORSED, OR SPONSORED BY COM2US. One of the best healers in Summoners War because she has 2 strong heals. 60-79 I used a team mixed of crowd control and DPS. VINTAGE TOA ELECTRA TA-957 SOLID STATE PA AMPLIFIER This eBay listing is for a used vintage TOA TA-957 solid state pa amp that comes as you see pictured. Her passive pulls Shaina into her attack which reduces Shaina’s cooldowns so she can use her AoE stun and ATB bar reduce skill more often. Great for clearing lower floors because she does huge AoE damage and can use her other AoE skill if she gets a kill. King of CC and ToA, the enemies will be unlikely able to take a turn. Third skill does huge AoE enemy max HP damage and also AoE reduces the enemies ATB by 30% while reducing the targets ATB by 90%. Amazing for tanking stages with Ragdoll because he is a light monster with a passive that makes it so he doesn’t take more than 20% of his HP as damage per hit. First and second stages were relatively easy. Toa 60 was where I started manualling. Also highly recommend bernard and shannon. 60% chance to AoE stun with his second skill. ToA: Baretta isn’t known as the king of ToA without a reason. Share your teams, brag about pulls, complain about that stupid RNG, or help people being stuck somewhere. While buffs to the taoist family and Mav has made people consider using alternatives, he remains a very indispensable part of many teams. Make sure to have a defense breaker, ATK buff, and lots of DoTs. Add all three to Cart Add all three to List. B5: 30 meters 1.55 - 1.75 µm: Shortwave infrared 1. Not only does huge AoE damage but it will stop annoying enemies that resurrect or heal. Her passive makes every attack reduce the enemies ATB by 25-50%, this is great for keeping the boss from moving since every turn she can attack speed slow and push back the ATB of the boss. TOA’s SW-38UL or SW-46UL2 ultra- AoE silence for 1 turn is great for incase the enemies get a turn they will only be able to use their skill 1. Leader skill: +25% Attack Power (good if you’re going for a full damage comp), First skill has a 50% chance to AoE put up attack speed slow, Second skill single target silences the target which is great for boss stages. So get fusing and farming for these mons. Check out their videos, sign up to chat, and join their community. We provide innovative solutions and products centering those which provide sound. I had my local stereo guy look this over for me and test it out and he said it comes in good working order. 94 wasn’t a nightmare surprisingly. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. AoE attack speed slow debuff which is a great form of CC when combined with stuns and ATB reduction. -180 -150 -120 -90 -60 -30 0 30 60 90 120 150 180-40-20 0 20 40 SW TOA Flux Difference (W m-2) ... 1°Regional Instantaneous SW TOA Flux Consistency Test . Second skill has a 60% chance to AoE stun and attack speed slow. It went down in 3 turns. Les meilleures offres pour Cuisinart TOA-60 1800 W Air Fryer Grille-pain Four interrupteur rotatif Kit Réparation sont sur eBay Comparez les prix et les spécificités des produits neufs et d'occasion Pleins d'articles en livraison gratuite! I controlled them very well with baretta and aria yet again. LOWE MID & LOW LOW sw-46W-uL2 sw-38w-UL sw-46s-uL2 sw-38s-UL cow HIGH Low HIGH MIO L ow cow -6011. ñ —'008 Itin . B3: 30 meters 0.63 - 0.69 µm: Red. Heal with defense buff can save your team in case the enemies get a turn. Close. You can call me Sean or SeanB. from (45 °N/S). Frequently bought together + + Total price: $230.84. Then I autoed and locked in boss as my target, I didn’t have to worry about him out healing my DMg. Posted by 10 months ago. Defense buff can help your team survive a few hits from any enemies that resist your CC. 28 November 2016 17:41. Trial of Ascension is a special PvE (player vs. environment) area located near Cairos Dungeon on the Battle Map. Her heal will also boost your teams attack bar making it easier to keep the enemies CCed. so I know there has been many posts related to this topic. Having 2 AoE abilities will allow him to AoE stun a lot with despair runes. zackdelarocha. Summoners War Trial of Ascension Hard Guide, Singapore Class 2B Riding Theory Test Question Bank, RAN Online Comprehensive Quest Guide (PH). The left tower eventually went down with barettas AoE dots. The second skill is probably one of the best skills to be used in toa 100. Not really.. I took baretta lead(5 star), bernard(6 star), ahman(6 star), konamiya (lvl 29 5 star) and Hwa(6 star). I used Hwa to lock down wind og. 40% ATB boost to your entire team every single turn. B4: 30 meters 0.76 - 0.90 µm: Near infrared. ATK buff and ATB boost if you’re not using Galleon on lower floors. I managed to get pass the second stage then on the boss stage the battle was close but I won. She will make it so the enemies are completely locked down and can’t take a turn while also pumping out crazy damage with her twin sisters. Unlike other PvE areas, players cannot revive their monsters using 10 Crystals, and cannot call upon a friend's monster for help. Some difficult floors will require you to build specific niche monsters or special team comps. It provides 4 output channels for AB speaker lines, each channel driven by a separate amplifier module. TOA SW flux consistency (%) between nadir- and oblique-viewing angles for different cloud types over ocean. Essential for mid to high level arena offense. 2. Single target buff strip with a stun or defense break. Aria’s glancing hit debuff helped so much here. Basically the strategy for this is to provoke the occult girls with ahman and keep the imps stunned while you kill wind og. Gives your team speed buff to make it easier to keep the enemies CCed. This cycle 60 was Seara and the bombers, so I had to manually use konamiya’s turns wisely to manipulate the Bombs.
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