[23] The Turkish War of Independence against the occupying Allied Powers resulted in the abolition of the Sultanate on 1 November 1922, the signing of the Treaty of Lausanne (which superseded the Treaty of Sèvres) on 24 July 1923 and the proclamation of the Republic on 29 October 1923. During its long history, the art and craft of the woven carpet has integrated different cultural traditions. Le plus souvent, les organismes entendent par population urbaine: «toutes les personnes domiciliées dans les villes et les villages d'au moins 1000 habitants, que ces villes et villages soient constitués ou non en. [192][193] Turkey maintains a force of 36,000 troops in Northern Cyprus since 1974. These were initially about Ottoman territorial expansion and consolidation in southeastern and eastern Europe; but starting from the Russo-Turkish War (1768–1774), they became more about the survival of the Ottoman Empire, which had begun to lose its strategic territories on the northern Black Sea coast to the advancing Russians. In time, the ancient rituals, myths, legends and stories evolved into theatrical shows. [230] In 2015 Turkey's media was rated as not free by Freedom House. [445], Despite legal provisions, media freedom in Turkey has steadily deteriorated from 2010 onwards, with a precipitous decline following the failed coup attempt on 15 July 2016. [313] Reliable data on the ethnic mix of the population is not available, because Turkish census figures do not include statistics on ethnicity. - Mots-clefs: démographie, pyramide de population, pyramide des âges, vieillissement, retraites, Turquie, 2019. Antioch (Antakya) is regarded by tradition as the spot where the Gospels were written, and where the followers of Jesus were called Christians for the first time. ", "Çatalhöyük added to UNESCO World Heritage List", "Ziyaret Tepe – Turkey Archaeological Dig Site", "Assyrian Identity in Ancient Times And Today, "Anatolia and the Caucasus, 2000–1000 B.C. [228][229] Many journalists have been arrested using charges of "terrorism" and "anti-state activities" such as the Ergenekon and Balyoz cases, while thousands have been investigated on charges such as "denigrating Turkishness" or "insulting Islam" in an effort to sow self-censorship. [207][208] A full-scale insurgency began in 1984, when the PKK announced a Kurdish uprising. [117][118], Between 9 October – 25 November 2019, Turkey conducted a military offensive into north-eastern Syria.[119][120][121]. Avec ses 13 millions de jeunes, la Turquie dispose d’une population jeune plus élevée que celle de 20 pays européens. [365][366][367][368], The Ministry of National Education is responsible for pre-tertiary education. Starting from the 11th-century, the traditions of the Seljuk Turks blended with those of the indigenous peoples of Anatolia and the interaction between diverse cultures paved the way for new plays. Il signifie également que cette nation arabe est plus proche et davantage prédisposée à la division », une majorité de la population utilise l'arabe comme langue maternelle, l'arabe est utilisée par une minorité importante ou pour des raisons historiques et culturelles. [131] However, since the 1980s, issues such as income inequality and class distinction have given rise to Islamism, a movement that supports a larger role for religion in government policies, and in theory supports obligation to authority, communal solidarity and social justice; though what that entails in practice is often contested. [92] With the Surname Law of 1934, the Turkish Parliament bestowed upon Mustafa Kemal the honorific surname "Atatürk" (Father Turk). [417], Ottoman cuisine contains elements of Turkish, Byzantine, Balkan, Armenian, Kurdish, Arab and Persian cuisines. [116] As a reaction to the failed coup d'état, the government carried out mass purges. Lorsque les soulèvements du «Printemps arabe» ont éclaté en 2011, Erdogan a vu une occasion en or de soutenir les groupes affiliés aux Frères musulmans dans la région arabe. [222] In reaction to the failed coup attempt on 15 July 2016, over 160,000 judges, teachers, police and civil servants have been suspended or dismissed, 77,000 have been formally arrested,[223][224] and 130 media organisations, including 16 television broadcasters and 45 newspapers,[225] have been closed by the government of Turkey. [123] Turkey is also subdivided into 7 regions (bölge) and 21 subregions for geographic, demographic and economic purposes; this does not refer to an administrative division. [300] TAEK is the official nuclear energy institution of Turkey. The phrase land of Torke is used in the 15th-century Digby Mysteries. The mix of cultural influences in Turkey is dramatised, for example, in the form of the "new symbols of the clash and interlacing of cultures" enacted in the novels of Orhan Pamuk, recipient of the 2006 Nobel Prize in Literature.[393]. The text of this manuscript was rendered in a delicate cut paper découpage calligraphy by Mehmed bin Gazanfer and completed in 1540, and features many marbled and decorative paper borders. [173] In 2015, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar formed a "strategic alliance" against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. [341][342] A 2016 survey by Ipsos, interviewing 17,180 adults across 22 countries, found that Islam was the dominant religion in Turkey, adhered to by 82% of the total population; religiously unaffiliated people comprised 13% of the population, while 2% were Christians. In the east, the Ottomans were often at war with Safavid Persia over conflicts stemming from territorial disputes or religious differences between the 16th and 18th centuries. [278] In 2020 the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development offered to support a just transition away from coal. Turkey has an average population density of 97 people per km². The head painter, and much more often the scribe of the text, were indeed named and depicted in some of the manuscripts. [155][156] The Truman Doctrine in 1947 enunciated American intentions to guarantee the security of Turkey and Greece during the Cold War, and resulted in large-scale U.S. military and economic support. Göktürk-1, Göktürk-2 and Göktürk-3 are Turkey's Earth observation satellites for reconnaissance, operated by the Turkish Ministry of National Defense. [87], The Montreux Convention (1936) restored Turkey's control over the Turkish Straits, including the right to militarise the coastlines of the Dardanelles and Bosporus straits and the Sea of Marmara, and to block maritime traffic in wartime.[93]. [168] These political rifts have left Turkey with few allies in the East Mediterranean, where rich natural gas fields have recently been discovered;[169][170] in sharp contrast with the original goals that were set by the former Foreign Minister (later Prime Minister) Ahmet Davutoğlu in his "zero problems with neighbours"[171][172] foreign policy doctrine. Between 1923 and 2018, Turkey was a parliamentary representative democracy. The first Turkish-made film was a documentary entitled Ayastefanos'taki Rus Abidesinin Yıkılışı (Demolition of the Russian Monument at San Stefano), directed by Fuat Uzkınay and completed in 1914. The conflict between Turkey and the PKK (designated a terrorist organisation by Turkey, the United States,[103] the European Union[104] and NATO[105]) has been active since 1984, primarily in the southeast of the country. [377], Average life expectancy is 78.6 years (75.9 for males and 81.3 for females), compared with the EU average of 81 years. Several ecumenical councils of the early Church were held in cities located in present-day Turkey including the First Council of Nicaea (Iznik) in 325, the First Council of Constantinople (Istanbul) in 381, the Council of Ephesus in 431, and the Council of Chalcedon (Kadıköy) in 451. Turkey (Turkish: Türkiye [ˈtyɾcije]), officially the Republic of Turkey,[a] is a country straddling Western Asia and Southeast Europe. Naissances cette année. The papers submitted at the symposia presented the history of Turkish cuisine on a "historical continuum" that dated back to Turkic origins in Central Asia and continued through the Seljuk and Ottoman periods. [82] Genocidal campaigns were also committed against the empire's other minority groups such as the Assyrians and Greeks. Il signifie également que cette nation arabe est plus proche et davantage prédisposée à la division »[7]. The first radical step of innovation in 20th century Turkish poetry was taken by Nâzım Hikmet, who introduced the free verse style. En 2020, la population totale du monde arabe est d'environ 429 045 620 d'habitants (voir Ligue arabe#Tableau comparatif). More than 40,000 people have died as a result of the conflict. [248][249], There are 40 national parks, 189 nature parks, 31 nature preserve areas, 80 wildlife protection areas and 109 nature monuments in Turkey such as Gallipoli Peninsula Historical National Park, Mount Nemrut National Park, Ancient Troya National Park, Ölüdeniz Nature Park and Polonezköy Nature Park. Temperatures of −30 °C to −40 °C (−22 °F to −40 °F) do occur in northeastern Anatolia, and snow may lie on the ground at least 120 days of the year and in the mountains almost the entire year. Roderic. [374] According to the 2012–2013 Times Higher Education World University Rankings, the top university in Turkey is Middle East Technical University, followed by Bilkent University and Koç University, Istanbul Technical University and Boğaziçi University. On peut néanmoins considérer plusieurs critères[1] pour rattacher un État au monde arabe : l'importance de la langue arabe, sa localisation (critère géographique) ou enfin l'appartenance à la Ligue arabe (critère politique). [306] Other Turkish scientists include physician Hulusi Behçet who discovered Behçet's disease and mathematician Cahit Arf who defined the Arf invariant. 27 Voir « Davutoğlu Proposes Regional Trade Alliance at TAC Meeting », … [138][needs update], In the years of government by the AKP and Erdoğan, particularly since 2013, the independence and integrity of the Turkish judiciary has increasingly been said to be in doubt by institutions, parliamentarians and journalists both within and outside of Turkey; due to political interference in the promotion of judges and prosecutors, and in their pursuit of public duty. [299] TÜBA is an autonomous scholarly society acting to promote scientific activities in Turkey. Daniel PANZAC. L’islam européen sera alors composé à 81% par les citoyens turcs de confession musulmane vivant dans leur propre pays (calculs de l’auteur sur la base de projections démographiques diffusées par Eurostat). Le monde arabe englobe les pays ayant comme langue officielle (ou co-officielle) la langue arabe. [112][113] Turkey's support for Northern Cyprus in the Cyprus dispute complicates Turkey's relations with the EU and remains a major stumbling block to the country's EU accession bid. [313] Mutlu's 1990 study estimated Kurds made up around 12 per cent of the population, while Mehrdad Izady placed the figure around 25 per cent. [184], Every fit male Turkish citizen otherwise not barred is required to serve in the military for a period ranging from three weeks to a year, dependent on education and job location. Following the arrest and imprisonment of Abdullah Öcalan in 1999,[109][110] the PKK modified its demands into equal rights for ethnic Kurds and provincial autonomy within Turkey. Le recensement de 1914 présente la population de l'Empire ottoman selon un système de tableaux à double entrée1 : la première reproduit le cadre administratif L’islam est présent dans la région de l'actuelle Turquie depuis la seconde moitié du XI e siècle, lorsque les seldjoukides ont commencé à s'étendre depuis l'Est vers l'Anatolie orientale. [426] The women's national basketball team won the silver medal at the EuroBasket Women 2011 and the bronze medal at the EuroBasket Women 2013. Le pays vient de passer, avec 2,09 enfants par femme, très légèrement en deçà du seuil de renouvellement des générations. [260] The EU–Turkey Customs Union in 1995 led to an extensive liberalisation of tariff rates, and forms one of the most important pillars of Turkey's foreign trade policy. Syrie (République arabe syrienne) - 2019. [256] However snow is rare in the coastal areas of the Aegean Sea and very rare in the coastal areas of the Mediterranean Sea. The men's national basketball team won the silver medal at the 2010 FIBA World Championship and at the EuroBasket 2001, which were both hosted by Turkey; and is one of the most successful at the Mediterranean Games. Turkey has a unitary structure in terms of administration and this aspect is one of the most important factors shaping the Turkish public administration. [b][22] After the Ottomans and the other Central Powers lost the war, the Ottoman Empire was partitioned. [262] Turkish shipyards are highly regarded both for the production of chemical and oil tankers up to 10,000 dwt and also for their mega yachts. The reforms aimed to transform the old religion-based and multi-communal Ottoman constitutional monarchy into a Turkish nation state that would be governed as a parliamentary republic under a secular constitution. [318] The Kurds make up a majority in the provinces of Ağrı, Batman, Bingöl, Bitlis, Diyarbakır, Elâzığ, Hakkari, Iğdır, Mardin, Muş, Siirt, Şırnak, Tunceli and Van; a near majority in Şanlıurfa Province (47%); and a large minority in Kars Province (20%). [311] However approximately 70 to 80 percent of the country's citizens are ethnic Turks. Following the establishment of the Republic of Turkey in 1923, some Kurdish and Zaza tribes, which were feudal (manorial) communities led by chieftains (agha) during the Ottoman period, became discontent about certain aspects of Atatürk's reforms aiming to modernise the country, such as secularism (the Sheikh Said rebellion, 1925)[94] and land reform (the Dersim rebellion, 1937–1938),[95] and staged armed revolts that were put down with military operations. [405] Buildings from this era are the Grand Post Office in Istanbul (1905–1909), Tayyare Apartments (1919–1922),[406] Istanbul 4th Vakıf Han (1911–1926),[407] State Art and Sculpture Museum (1927–1930),[408] Ethnography Museum of Ankara (1925–1928),[409] the first Ziraat Bank headquarters in Ankara (1925–1929),[410] the first Türkiye İş Bankası headquarters in Ankara (1926–1929),[411] Bebek Mosque,[412] and Kamer Hatun Mosque. [231] The media crackdowns also extend to Internet censorship with Wikipedia getting blocked between 29 April 2017 and 15 January 2020. Le tamazight est une langue nationale depuis 2002 et officielle depuis 2016. The Administrative Code bears similarities with its French counterpart, and the Penal Code with its Italian counterpart. [184] The Chief of the General Staff is appointed by the President. ARABE (MONDE) - Littérature Écrit par Jamel Eddine BENCHEIKH, Hachem FODA, André MIQUEL, Charles PELLAT, Hammadi SAMMOUD, Élisabeth VAUTHIER • 29 287 mots • 2 médias La littérature arabe a vécu jusqu'au xix e siècle sur ses propres concepts, en définissant ses propres catégories. It became popular again by the beginning of the 1990s, as a result of an opening economy and society. However, negotiations for solving the Cyprus dispute are still ongoing between Turkish Cypriot and Greek Cypriot political leaders.[102]. In the Second Balkan War (1913) the Ottomans managed to recover their former capital Edirne (Adrianople) and its surrounding areas in East Thrace, which was formalised with the Treaty of Constantinople (1913). [205] The Kurdistan Workers' Party (designated a terrorist organisation by Turkey, the United States,[103] the European Union[104] and NATO[105]) was founded in 1978 by a group of Kurdish militants led by Abdullah Öcalan, seeking the foundation of an independent, Marxist-Leninist state in the region, which was to be known as Kurdistan. Turkish folk dance is diverse. 20% de Kurdes. The history of its designs, motifs and ornaments thus reflects the political and ethnic history and diversity of Asia minor. Despite this however, western music styles like pop music and kanto lost popularity to arabesque in the late 1970s and 1980s. Most of the roots of modern Turkish literature were formed between the years 1896 and 1923. Compteurs en temps réel, fiches d’information, graphiques, cartes, données de recensement. Turquie. However, in 1993, Turkey sealed its land border with Armenia in a gesture of support to Azerbaijan (a Turkic state in the Caucasus region) during the First Nagorno-Karabakh War, and it remains closed.[162]. The modern spelling Turkey dates back to at least 1719. [254] Renowned domestic animals from Ankara, the capital of Turkey, include the Angora cat, Angora rabbit and Angora goat; and from Van Province the Van cat. In Northwest Turkey, the most significant tribal group in Thrace was the Odyrisians, founded by Teres I. When three powers (executive, legislative and judiciary) are taken into account as the main functions of the state, local administrations have little power. [331] Turkey hosts the largest number of refugees in the world, including 3.6 million Syrian refugees, as of April 2020. [100] In 1983 the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, which is recognised only by Turkey, was established. [270] Turkey's gross external debt reached $453.2 billion at the end of December 2017. « Le dernier recensement officiel au Liban qui a été mené en 1932, indique que le nombre d’habitants au Liban était de 875 252 habitants avec environ 53 % de chrétiens », p.1, Devenir langue dominante mondiale: un défi pour l'arabe, https://www.lstatic.org/PDF/demographfrench.pdf, Jean-Paul Bord, « Modélisation du monde arabe » (Mappemonde 2/1995), https://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Monde_arabe&oldid=182086814, Article avec une section vide ou incomplète, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence. The first narrative film, Sedat Simavi's The Spy, was released in 1917. Cultural and Sociological Situation in Turkey", "Turks – A Journey of a Thousand Years: 600–1600", "Crossing Generations and Borders: A Turkish Pop Diva's Musical Tour", "A list of the buildings designed by Mimar Sinan", "Turkish Architecture in the Republican Period", "XIX. - Mots-clefs: démographie, pyramide de population, pyramide des âges, vieillissement, retraites, Turquie, 1975. Turkish directors like Nuri Bilge Ceylan, Yılmaz Güney and Ferzan Özpetek won numerous international awards such as the Palme d'Or and Golden Bear. Parmi eux, les "Nouvelles Routes de la Soie" chinoises, les besoins d'investissements et de financements de la Turquie … [291] The Bosphorus Bridge (1973), Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bridge (1988) and Yavuz Sultan Selim Bridge (2016) are the three suspension bridges connecting the European and Asian shores of the Bosphorus strait.
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