The SLFP, which has 14 members in the government parliamentary group, has issued a veiled threat that it will break ranks with the SLPP in case of legal action being taken against Sirisena. There seems to be no end to the problems Sirisena causes to the Rajapaksas, and vice versa! Now that legal action has been taken against Jayasundera and Fernando for their failure to act on warnings of the Easter Sunday terror, all those who did not heed repeated warnings of an explosive spread of Covid-19 during the National New Year and thereby caused people to die must also be brought to justice. April is apparently the cruellest month in this country, as we said in a previous comment, with apologies to T. S. Eliot. Island County, a political subdivision of the State of Washington and home to 80,000 citizens, maintains a public website to deliver content and services to taxpayers and business partners. Visit for Online Grocery Shopping in Sri Lanka. The Covid-19 morbidity and mortality rates have increased drastically of late because the government higher-ups, the health authorities and others tasked with controlling the pandemic chose to ignore independent health experts’ warnings that there would be an upsurge of infections unless travel restrictions were imposed during the festive season. © 2021 BBC. Who is young Republican rising star Elise Stefanik? COVID-19: UK records 29 more coronavirus deaths as nearly 34 million have had their first jab The UK has recorded another 29 coronavirus-related deaths and 2,166 new cases in the latest 24-hour period, according to government data. Not everyone can afford modern gym facilities and coaching, and the public will gain tremendously if they could be made available free or charge. Those mass gatherings were a recipe for disaster. Close on the heels of Minister Lokuge’s high-handed action came a government announcement that the Cabinet had approved a proposal for setting up a large number of gyms countrywide. VICTORIA -- B.C. The Easter Sunday carnage happened in April 2019. The SLPP dissenters have stopped short of naming the grandee who, they say, is doing a Felix in the government, but their patience is obviously wearing thin. Elsewhere in the Atlantic region Wednesday: Also in the news. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. Hence the need for Sri Lanka to dig deeper and find out how the latest wave of infection came about. Having made use of the bond scams issue to destroy the UNP, which failed to win a single seat at the last general election, Sirisena is apparently planning to mete out the same treatment to the Rajapaksa government; he will use the fraudulent reduction of duty on sugar, among other things, for that purpose, in case the SLPP does not protect his interests. The leaders of some SLPP constituents have likened the situation in the government to what the late Felix Dias Bandaranaike created in the United Front administration (1970-77); he was accused of driving the leftists away, and debilitating the SLFP-led coalition. But the government is wary of adopting this method, given the heavy socio-economic costs it entails; if the country is to remain open safely, there are some essential facilities that must be provided to the public. Instead, people were allowed to do as they pleased to all intents and purposes. Its trepidation is understandable. There is no love lost between Sirisena and the Rajapaksas; they are only a bunch of strange bedfellows. 2020/10/19. Guernsey marks one year since first lockdown, Germany opposes waiving Covid vaccine patents. The incumbent government is in a spot as regards Sirisena, who is the leader of the SLFP, a major constituent of the ruling SLPP coalition. VideoInside Myanmar's Spring Revolution, Covid: Indians abroad 'helpless and heartbroken', Eurovision welcomes back fans despite pandemic. Perhaps, the SLFP is toying with the idea of forging an alliance with these SLPP constituents one day. The EU's biggest economy rejects the US-backed proposal, saying patents are not hindering production. Prince Edward Island officials confirmed two more cases of COVID-19 in a news release Wednesday afternoon. Prof. Piyadasa did not mince his words when he said that the biggest scam in recent times—the sugar tax fraud—had happened under the current government. The government may not be able to make an official announcement to that effect, at this juncture, but is duty bound to reveal to the public, after completing investigations, where the infected persons came from and whether they are employed here either legally or illegally. The current national health crisis took a turn for the worse in April 2021; the pandemic now snuffs out more lives than it did during its first and second waves. There have been 821 coronavirus cases since March 2020, with 14 confirmed and three presumptive deaths. VICTORIA -- British Columbians continue to see a rise in the province's weekly rolling average number of COVID-19 cases. P.E.I. Thus, instead of procuring new aircraft and fitness equipment, the government ought to purchase buses to enable workers to commute safely so that the economy will not contract further. Monday 19th October, 2020 Lt. Gen. Shavendra Silva, Head of the National Operation Centre for Prevention of COVID-19 Outbreak (NOCPCO), Chief of Defence Staff and Commander of the Army is of the view that the infection that triggered the current wave of COVID-19, which has sent Sri Lanka reeling, could be of foreign origin. Prof. Piyadasa has also told the media that other SLPP constituents are also disgruntled and having meetings to discuss their grievances. On 26 March, two COVID-19 patients were admitted to Noble's Hospital. How come they were allowed to travel that far without being quarantined for 28 days? Karunaratne closes in on top 10 of ICC Men’s Test Player Rankings, The story of Devapathiraja’s rise to glory, National badminton players dominate Summer Season Tournament in the hills, SLT-MOBITEL Partners STEMUP for ‘Hack:bit 2020’, Prime Lands Residencies IPO introduces “SUBMIT ONLINE from HOME”, Singer and MSI to support passionate gamers and creators reach new heights, McLarens Lubricants introduces revolutionary All-In-One protection for hybrid vehicles: Mobil Super 3000, MoneyGram teams up with Visa to offer zero fees for money sent to ComBank Visa Debit Cards. The COVID-19 pandemic in the Republic of Ireland is part of the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). There were avurudu shopping sprees. One wonders whether the ruling politicians have taken leave of their senses. Guernsey's second wave of coronavirus has been declared "over" with no known active cases in the island. The virus reached the country in late February 2020 and within three weeks, cases had been confirmed in all counties. It is also during April that the highest number of lives lost in road accidents is reported year every year. Sri Lankans must be grateful to India, which made this service a reality, former Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe and Dr. Harsha de Silva, MP, who fought quite a battle to set it up, under the previous government, amidst unfair criticism from those who are currently in power. The PCoI final report specifically says, in its recommendations (p 471), “The Government including President Sirisena and Prime Minister is accountable for the tragedy.” So, all those who were responsible for national security during the yahapalana government and failed to prevent the Easter tragedy must be prosecuted. What happens to your body in extreme heat? Minister Gamini Lokuge has not only endangered the lives of people but also caused what remains of the government’ popularity to plummet further by having Covid-19 travel restrictions in the Piliyandala area arbitrarily lifted recently. Chief Public Health Officer Dr. Heather Morrison warned Islanders to take heed of what is happening in Nova Scotia in the third wave … Amid raging Covid-19 second wave in India, Fugitive self-styled godman Swami Nithyananda, in a statement, said devotees from India would not be allowed to enter his island ‘Kailasa’. But the government must get its expenditure priorities right at this hour of crisis. The new cases were among 2,174 cases found across the … More than 31,000 doses of coronavirus vaccines have been given to Guernsey residents. These self-important politicians who countermand vital decisions of health professionals tasked with controlling the pandemic must be kept on a tight leash. We thought the 20th Amendment to the Constitution would restore the dictatorial powers of only the Executive President, but it looks as if it had led to the emergence of dictators at the provincial level as well. A man in his 60s died of Covid-19 at Guernsey's Princess Elizabeth Hospital on Sunday. Those who violate the health guidelines, endangering people’s lives and causing enormous losses to the economy now have to face legal action; they can be fined and imprisoned. Criminal negligence, in all its manifestations, must not be allowed to go unpunished. Required fields are marked *. Those provinces have reported more than 100 Covid-19 cases per day. Rio de Janeiro drugs raid shoot-out leaves 25 dead, Chip breakthrough could quadruple battery life, Inside Myanmar's Spring Revolution. COVID-19 • Latest News A third wave of COVID-19 could hit the Isle of Wight this summer, we are being warned. If the SLPP tries to throw Sirisena overboard, the SLFP will not only pull out of the ruling coalition but also launch an all-out political campaign against it. Analysis: Nphet commentary says little about where cases arise as lockdown frustrations grow 6 months ago. The number of PCR tests conducted daily remains woefully low. So, the SLFP’s battle plan is now clear. Recently, the Thai government has redesigned its colour coding for provinces based on the new wave of Covid that hit in early April. Hong Kong fourth wave: 109 Covid-19 cases confirmed as officials vow manpower boost to ensure more efficient quarantine process ... A quarantine centre at Hong Kong’s Penny Bay on Lantau Island. Lt. Gen. Silva has said the country from which the infections responsible for triggering the latest COVID-19 cluster came cannot be named as inquiries are still on. Dr Nicola Brink said "we can now officially say that the second wave is now over". On Thursday, that trend … HEOC member Mohammed Ali on Wednesday said that a recent surge in infections has increased the chances for a spread of new … The procurement of vaccines has become a problem. on. Dr Nicola Brink described the fall to zero Covid-19 cases as a "good day" Guernsey's second wave of coronavirus has been declared "over" with no known active cases in the island. The government must not baulk at allowing legal action to be taken against former President Maithripala Sirisena, named by the Easter Sunday Presidential Commission of Inquiry (PCoI) as a person who should take responsibility for negligence and serious security lapses that led to the terror attacks at issue. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The SLPP finds itself in a Catch-22 situation, but it must not let its political problems stand in the way of justice, which the families of the Easter Sunday bombing victims, the Catholic Church, and, in short, all right-thinking Sri Lankans are demanding. Has the Mattala airport become the COVID-19 entry point? The Covid-19 health regulations require the number of passengers in buses and trains to be drastically reduced so that physical distancing could be maintained. Developing countries are struggling to keep their economies afloat owing to COVID-19, and cannot resort to nationwide lockdowns and quarantine curfews again. A few weeks ago, a member of the crew of a Russian cargo plane, which landed at Mattala, tested positive for COVID-19. The government must also act responsibly; it must get its expenditure priorities right instead of embarking on ego-boosting projects, and rein in its unruly politicians who have become a nuisance to the public as well as health professionals. Ideally, the country should go into another round of lockdowns if the rapid tranmission of the virus is to be halted and the number of infections brought down to a manageable level, as public health experts argue. Sri Lanka haven’t played international cricket since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic in March 2020. Business. Solution by. There is no way COVID-19 can spread here through foreigners or Sri Lankans, who arrive here legally because they have to undergo mandatory quarantine for 28 days and PCR tests. The government obviously did not want to curtail the freedom of the public during the festive season for political reasons, for travel restrictions and lockdowns are hugely unpopular. The director of public health confirmed the island's last case no longer had an "active infection", but remained in the Princess Elizabeth Hospital. had no new cases of COVID-19 on Tuesday, but P.E.I. This may be a tall order; the SLFP runs the risk of losing some of its MPs to the SLPP if it chooses to vote with its feet. Quiz of the week: What's Meghan's children's book called? The COVID-19 pandemic was confirmed to have spread to the Isle of Man when the first case on the island was confirmed on 19 March. The public transport sector should be given priority. Everybody realises the value of the Sri Lanka Transport Board during crisis situations, but nobody cares to do anything to develop it. The SLFP seems to fear that the government may throw its leader to the wolves when push comes to shove. Whether all those who were flown in here, either through the BIA or the Mattala airport, underwent proper quarantine for 28 days can easily be ascertained, for all records pertaining to them including passenger manifests are available. Former IGP Pujith Jayasundera and former Defence Secretary Hemasiri Fernando have already been indicted for murder, etc., in the Colombo High Court as they failed to prevent the Easter Sunday bombings despite several prescient warnings. British Columbia's top doctor says the resurgence the province is seeing in COVID-19 cases could be a second wave, but she believes the illness can be suppressed heading into the fall. It has already identified the key issues to be flogged, and prominent among them is the mega sugar tax fraud. Economic activity in Afghanistan, Nepal, and Pakistan will also rise as tight containment restrictions are lifted, with buoyant remittances stimulating growth in Nepal and Pakistan. The procurement of more ambulances to transport the sick ought to take precedence over that of fitness centres and choppers. The majority of lockdown restrictions were lifted on Monday, with no new cases found for 27 days. The SLFP, which fears that legal action will be taken against its leader and former President Maithripala Sirisena, over the Easter Sunday carnage, has fired a shot across the SLPP’s bow, in the form of a veiled threat to go it alone at future elections. Pressure is mounting on the government to refrain from shielding Sirisena and ensure that he is also prosecuted. A stimulus-fuelled surge in the US – India’s largest export market – will support the revival, but a severe second COVID-19 wave is threatening the recovery. What appears to be a fourth wave of the COVID-19 pandemic has struck Michigan, the New York region and New England, and experts are uncertain whether it … He was found in a hotel in Matara. * Covid-19: Full lockdown in Fiji imminent as coronavirus community cases climb * Covid-19: 12 new coronavirus cases recorded in Fiji. A split in the SLPP coalition is the last thing the government wants at this juncture; the SLFP has 14 MPs elected on the SLPP ticket. The government keeps faulting the public for lack of co-operation to beat the virus. A total of 300,742 first doses of COVID-19 vaccine have been administered in the health authority overall, representing almost 41 per cent of the population, Island Health said Monday. One could guess the answer to this question from what Senior Vice President of the SLFP Prof. Rohana Lakshman Piyadasa told the media in Kandy the other day. So, the government can find out whether there have been any quarantine law violations on the part of those who came here, if it is not under pressure not to do so. The government has to step in to solve this problem, but the fleet of state-owned bus service alone cannot cater to the demand. Lt. Gen. Shavendra Silva, Head of the National Operation Centre for Prevention of COVID-19 Outbreak (NOCPCO), Chief of Defence Staff and Commander of the Army is of the view that the infection that triggered the current wave of COVID-19, which has sent Sri Lanka reeling, could be of foreign origin. New Year festivals were also permitted. health officials identified 61 new cases of COVID-19 in the Vancouver Island region Monday. But he may not hesitate to use such information, if any, against them in case of being jettisoned. In April 1971, the country was plunged into a bloodbath. There is a pressing need to rationalise state expenditure on account of the current national health crisis; projects that can wait must be put on hold immediately. Bangkok, Chon Buri, Chiang Mai, Nonthaburi, Pathum Thani, and Samut Prakan are all now considered dark red provinces. Private buses cannot be expected to run at a loss, and, in fact, it is not fair to force them do so. COVID-19 cases in Fort McMurray have nearly doubled since April 1, setting a record for active cases since the pandemic began last March. One may recall that they met at the SLFP headquarters a few weeks ago. P.E.I. She said it had been a year of "incredible highs and lows" and acknowledged the support from the community over the course of pandemic. Public walking tracks and recreational parks built under the previous Rajapaksa administration have stood the ordinary people in good stead. Aggressive testing is a prerequisite for curbing the spread of the pandemic. Everybody knew the country was sitting on a ticking viral time bomb, as it were, and the government politicians and the health authorities should have taken precautions before and during the New Year to prevent an explosive transmission of the pandemic. The Attorney General (AG) has indicted former IGP Pujith Jayasundera and former Defence Secretary Hemasiri Fernando for murder, etc., in the Colombo High Court over their failure to prevent the Easter Sunday bombings despite having received repeated warnings of possible terror strikes. True, people have to follow the Covid-19 protocol without leaving the task of battling the pandemic entirely to the health authorities. This means 33% of islanders over 16 have received one dose, with 11% having had both. Video, DNA test identifies member of 1845 Arctic voyage, Thousands enter lottery to kill Grand Canyon bison, Mystery animal box craze causes outrage in China, Harry and Meghan share birthday picture of Archie, Holiday costs to jump this summer, warns travel boss, How Tanzania's new leader wooed Kenya - in five quotes, Putin says Sputnik jabs 'reliable as Kalashnikovs'. The country must remain maniacally focused on beating the runaway virus, which has brought even the developed world to its knees. But there are not enough buses and trains, and the available ones are overcrowded. The Fulbright Scholar – Taking wing to the U.S. Agrochemical ban: Heading for national disaster? Unbridled exploitation of natural resources belonging to nation, Medical Specialists: Only 28 hospitals have liquid oxygen tanks, Copyright © 2020 Upali Newspapers (Pvt) Ltd. Thursday marked one year since the first lockdown was called, with Dr Brink paying tribute to islanders who died. Read about our approach to external linking. Mentioning the VAT fraud and the bond scams under previous regimes, he emphasised that the sugar tax fraud was the biggest of them all. She said it was "a good day for us, but of course we hope the person has a speedy recovery". There were no COVID-19 infections for two months outside the quarantine centres following the elimination of the Kandakadu cluster. "If someone comes forward and tests positive they're not ruining anything for us, they're helping their community," she said. Ever since the caseload of COVID-19 patients has increased due to the second wave, ... – Maldives, the island nation famous among Indians for spending leisure time has joined other nations to issue a travel advisory … The country is without enough PCR machines to detect infections, and genome sequencing equipment to identify new variants of the virus.
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