ESA is offering free of charge for scientific research and application development access to the following SPOT collections: 11), - ESA SPOT archive collections (ESA online archive), - Archived SPOT-1 to -5 all production levels (on demand), - Archived and new SPOT-6 & -7 (acquisition modes: single ,stereo or tri-stereo) all production levels (on demand and standard service for tasking). The situation became very stable in February 2008 and is continuously monitored - with no indication of any deterioration. • In April 2002, the French arms procurement agency, DGA (Délégation Générale pour l'Armement), signed a broad agreement guaranteeing French military access to the civilian SPOT-5 satellite's high-resolution imagery. - The objective of this end of life experiment, as the previous one, is to prepare the arrival of ESA's Sentinel-2 satellites (launches scheduled for June 2015 and 2016). The main components of the HRG instrument are: • Stable structure supporting its mechanisms. The intend is to offer high-resolution imagery to be used for DEM (Digital Elevation Model) generation with an accuracy of 10 m. Figure 1: View of SPOT-5 spacecraft and its instruments (image credit: CNES), The SPOT-5 satellite configuration takes advantage of the SPOT-4 bus design, using the extended platform design (SPOT MK2, provided by MMS) and service module accommodates twice the payload of the SPOT 3 bus. Suivi de l’environnement : Les images du capteur VEGETATION sont utilisées pour suivre l'évolution des écosystèmes continentaux. SPOT-5 et son capteur panchromatique (résolution de 5 m et 2,5 m en super-mode) permet la réalisation de cartes au 1:50 000. SPOT-5 Satellite sensor was decommissioned on March 31, 2015. Thanks to this orbit, it will be possible to acquire data over selected sites every 5 days under constant angles for duration of around 5 months over the majority of the vegetation phase (current assumed schedule 08/04/15-31/08/15). It uses enhanced SPOT-5 gyroscope readings, combined with absolute attitude angle measurements given by a stellar sensor. - The products can be made available for free through a project proposal submission via the SPOT information area and Pleiades information area on ESA's Earth Online Portal. Choose one to download it. This stellar sensor, SED16 (built by SODERN, Limeil-Brivannes, France), is having its first in-flight experience on SPOT-5; it is designed around a CCD matrix observing numerous stars on each data take. The end-of-life of SPOT-5 has been adjusted to: end of 2014/beginning of 2015. 32). Table 4: Overview of SPOT series missions, 10 m (0.61-0.68 μm co-registered with B2), Table 5: Overview of SPOT series spectral continuity and resolution improvement, PAN (0.61-0.68 µm) 10 m, co-registered with B2, PA-1 (0.49-0.69 µm),5 m To limit download time, it is only provided here at 60 m resolution. (Image Copyright © AIRBUS Defence & Space). Two HRG instruments are provided in the conventional SPOT-series double-observation configuration, each with a FOV of 4.13º and the same cross-track pointing capabilities of ±27 º as the HRVIR imager on SPOT-4. 27) J. N. Hourcastagnou, P. Cales, "GSCB Workshop Presentation SPOT / AstroTerra," 3rd GSCB (Ground Segment Coordination Body) Workshop, 2012, ESA/ESRIN, Frascati, Italy, June 6-7, 2012, URL:, 28) Information provided by Laurence Houpert of CNES (for the SPOT mission team), Toulouse, France, 29) Information provided by Laurence Houpert of CNES, Toulouse, France, 30) "SPOT-5 watches over Japan's coastline after earthquake and tsunami," Astrium Geo-Information Services,, 31) "25 years of Spot satellites," Feb. 21, 2011, URL:, 32) "Astrium fully integrates Spot Image and Infoterra into new GEO-Information business division," Astrium, Dec. 1, 2010, URL:, 33) "Spot Provides Immediate Response to Haiti Earthquake," Spot Image, URL:, 34) Information provided by Frédéric Tavera, SPOT Mission Exploitation Manager of CNES, Toulouse, France, 35), 36) SPOT 5 brochure, "Supermode," of CNES and SPOT Image, May 1999, 37) C. Latry, B. Rougé, "In Flight Commissioning of SPOT5 THR Quincunx Sampling Mode," Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. Figure 9: Flood extent in Vangaindrano, Madagascar, following Tropical Storm Chedza; the image was acquired on Jan. 19, 2015 by SPOT-5 (image credit: CNES, distribution: Airbus Defence and Space / Spot Image S.A.), • On Nov. 26, 2014, ESA is inviting proposals for the SPOT-5 Take 5 call, which aims to select potential sites of observation for a new phase in the SPOT-5 mission. The SPOT-5 satellite program continues the partnerships of France (CNES), Belgium (OSTC) and Sweden (SNSB) as established at the beginning of the SPOT program. Stretching over 4400 hectares, the forest is home to animals such as deer, red squirrel and wild boar. However, the exact cause could not be properly identified. The data compression algorithm used is DCT (Discrete Cosine Transform), employing 8 x 8, non-overlapping blocks, derived from the JPEG standard with variable length coding and bit rate control. 113 Advances in the Astronautical Sciences, Edited by I. J. Gravseth and R. D. Culp, AAS 03-042, pp. The great success of TAKE5 with SPOT-4 was confirmed by ESA's decision to largely contribute to the renewal of TAKE5 experiment using SPOT5. Operational since the launch of SPOT-4 in March 1998, and foreseen to continue at least until the end of the SPOT-5 mission, this user segment comprises a processing facility (PF), actively receiving, processing, correcting, archiving, and distributing the Vegetation data and derived added-value products. Technical documents are available for this sensor. ESA PIs submitted 60 scientific projects of different thematic areas, proposing around 100 sites. Two sent in real or deferred time. Onboard data compression of source data is provided with DCT (Direct Cosine Transform) of HRG and HRS data streams. HRG features a new linear detector array configuration geometry for the panchromatic band using two parallel rows (i.e., a dual array) of 12000 silicon CCD detectors (6.5 µm in size) for each instrument. The information compiled and edited in this article was provided by Herbert J. Kramer from his documentation of: "Observation of the Earth and Its Environment: Survey of Missions and Sensors" (Springer Verlag) as well as many other sources after the publication of the 4th edition in 2002. The experiment has been approved on 19 November 2014. Provision of 5-2.5 m imagery. Operational analysis studies conducted by CNES project a life expectancy at least to 2014 of the SPOT-5 mission. The HRS instrument features two telescopes allowing a 20º fore view and a 20º aft view over a 120 km swath, respectively (Figure 20). The stricken Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant and its surroundings are still under surveillance and periodic reports will still be delivered over the next few months. Find spot 5 differences stock images in HD and millions of other royalty-free stock photos, illustrations and vectors in the Shutterstock collection. 5 year design life. It is designed as a constellation of twin polar-orbiting satellites in the same orbit to fulfil revisit and coverage requirements. University of the Witwatersrand. 3000 SWIR (1 line), Two images can be processed at once, then sent directly or stored using a compression factor of 1.3, Up to five images. A droite, indices de végétation par différence normalisée (NDVI) calculée à partir des données brutes (sans étalonnage ni correction atmosphérique). Note: In 2000 MMS became part of EADS Astrium. 3439,70, 1998, 9) Martine Béhague, Olivier Hagolle, Sylvia Sylvander, Jean-Marc Walter, Florian Delmas, Laurence Houpert, Frédéric Daniaud, "TAKE5 experiment jazzes up SPOT5's end of operational life, using it to simulate the new Sentinel-2 mission," Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Space Operations (SpaceOps 2016), Daejeon, Korea, May 16-20, 2016, paper: AIAA 2016 2408, URL:, 10) "SPOT and Pleiades data available for research and application development," ESA, April 10, 2015, URL:, 11) "Third Party Mission - Welcome to the SPOT Information Area," ESA, URL:, 12) "SPOT-5 Take 5 - First image released from campaign," ESA, April 9, 2015, URL:, 13) "Welcome to the Information area of the SPOT-5 Take 5 ESA Call," ESA, URL:, 14) "SPOT-5 (Take 5) is getting ready," CESBIO, Feb. 8, 2015, URL:, 15) "SPOT-5 (Take 5) first image," CESBIO, April 9, 2015, URL:, 16) "End of the commercial exploitation of SPOT-5 satellite on March 27, 2015," CNES, URL:, 17) Ferrage Pascale, March 31, 2015, URL:, 18) "Farewell SPOT-5," Airbus Defence and Space, April 28, 2015, URL:, 19) "Brussels, the capital of Belgium," ESA, Feb. 27, 2015, URL:, 20) Flood in Madagascar," International Charter Space & Major Disasters, Jan. 18, 2015, URL:, 21) "SPOT-5 Take 5 announcement of opportunity," ESA, Nov. 26, 2014, URL:, 22) Frank Martin Seifert, "SPOT-5 Take 5," GFOI (Global Forest Observation Initiative), Oct. 1, 2014, URL:, 23) "After 16 years of successful operations, SPOT-VEGETATION ready to hand over the torch to PROBA-V," VITO, April 30, 2014, URL:, 24) "Week in Images," ESA, April 25, 2014, URL:, 25) Bart Deronde, Walter Debruyn, Eric Gontier, Erwin Goor, Tim Jacobs, Sara Verbeiren, Johan Vereecken, "15 years of processing and dissemination of SPOT-VEGETATION products," International Journal of Remote Sensing, Volume 35, Issue 7, 2014, pp. Search for 1.5-m SPOT 6/7 satellite imagery now. Spot 5 (sud-ouest 2009-2010) Prise de vue satellitaire du Sud-Ouest effectuée en 2009-2010 par le satellite SPOT 5. 28). 33), • The spacecraft and its instruments are operating nominally in 2009. 3.5 m x 3.5 m dual image, Catadioptric Schmidt telescope with a spherical mirror (SPOT-4 heritage), Table 2: Specification of the HRG instrument. The SWIR band imagery remains at 20 m. • To offer in parallel a stereoscopic along-track observation capability (instead of the previously provided cross-track capability). - The SPOT-Vegetation mission is a collaboration between France, Belgium, Italy, Sweden and the EC that has been monitoring the global vegetation status for more than 16 years. SED16 has a wide FOV and is autonomous (i.e. Ainsi, le satellite Spot 5 est le cinquième satellite de la filière Spot mis sur orbite par une fusée Ariane. 6000 MS (3 lines) 2HRVIR, Vegetation, SILEX, PASTEC, POAM-3, DORIS. This proposal was agreed to by ISPRS and given the name of HRS-SAP (High Resolution Stereoscopic-Scientific Assessment Program). The HRS instrument was developed and built by EADS Astrium SAS, sponsored by CNES and SPOT IMAGE.
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