Esto reducirá el tiempo del despliegue desde T+1 hora a T+14 minutos. † denotes failed missions, destroyed vehicles, and abandoned sites. The planned launch of two revised test satellites was then moved to 2018. [165][166], The Internet communication satellites were expected to be in the smallsat-class of 100 to 500 kg (220 to 1,100 lb)-mass, and were intended to be in low Earth orbit (LEO) at an altitude of approximately 1,100 km (680 mi), according to early public releases of information in 2015. Starlink is a satellite internet constellation being constructed by SpaceX providing satellite Internet access. [54] The change was approved in December 2019, and will now see only 22 satellites in each plane rather than the 66 that had been a part of the original design. [21] In August 2018, SpaceX consolidated all their Seattle-area operations with a move to a larger three-building facility at Redmond Ridge Corporate Center to support satellite manufacturing in addition to R&D. [182] The antenna is known internally as "Dishy McFlatface". [33]​ También consolidaron todas sus operaciones en el área de Seattle con un traslado al Redmond Ridge Corporate Center,[33]​ dejando las instalaciones en las que habían comenzado en 2015. [43]:17 SpaceX launched the first 60 satellites of the constellation in May 2019 into a 450 km (280 mi) orbit and expected up to six launches in 2019 at that time, with 720 satellites (12 × 60) for continuous coverage in 2020. Around 27 October 2019, object 44240 (Starlink 26) was lowered slightly out of the active constellation. SpaceX submitted an application to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) proposing to operate more satellites in lower orbits in the first phase than the FCC previously authorized. [202], In addition to the OneWeb constellation, announced nearly concurrently with the SpaceX constellation, a 2015 proposal from Samsung outlined a 4,600-satellite constellation orbiting at 1,400 km (870 mi) that could provide a zettabyte per month capacity worldwide, an equivalent of 200 gigabytes per month for 5 billion users of Internet data,[203][204] but by 2020, no more public information had been released about the Samsung constellation. [61] SpaceX is producing approximately 120 satellites a month. Starlink is a satellite internet constellation being constructed by SpaceX[2][3] providing satellite Internet access. Definitely peer-to-peer", "High winds scrub SpaceX launch of 60 Starlink internet relay satellites", "SpaceX's Starlink satellite lawyers refute latest "flawed" OneWeb critique", "Everything is slow to a phased array antenna", "Dishy McFlatface to become "fully mobile," allowing Starlink use away from home", "Teardown of "Dishy McFlatface," the SpaceX Starlink user terminal", "SpaceX Starlink beta arrives in the UK, sets sights on rest of Europe and Australia", "SpaceX to test Starlink terminals on ships", "SpaceX plans to start offering Starlink broadband services in 2020", "The Air Force tested its Advanced Battle Management System. [8] In mid-2018, SpaceX reorganized the satellite development division in Redmond, and terminated several members of senior management. [47], By April 2019, SpaceX was transitioning their satellite efforts from research and development to manufacturing, with the planned first launch of a large group of satellites to orbit, and the clear need to achieve an average launch rate of "44 high-performance, low-cost spacecraft built and launched every month for the next 60 months" to get the 2,200 satellites launched to support their FCC spectrum allocation license assignment. [217][218][219][220] In later statements on Twitter, Musk stated that SpaceX will work on reducing the albedo of the satellites and will provide on-demand orientation adjustments for astronomical experiments, if necessary. SpaceX CEO Elon Musk in May told reporters that Starlink could bring in revenue of $30 billion a year – or about 10 times the highest annual revenue it expects from its core rocket business. Primeros Starlink en órbita polar. The remaining two satellites were intended to be quickly removed from orbit and re-enter the atmosphere in order to test the satellite de-orbiting process; the three that lost contact were also expected to re-enter, but will do so passively from atmospheric drag as SpaceX was no longer able to actively control them. Starlink was specifically criticized for being still in beta testing and an unproven technology. First launch of 60 Starlink test satellites. Per FCC filings,[194] they were intended to raise themselves to an 1,125 km (699 mi) orbit, the operational altitude for Starlink LEO satellites per the earliest regulatory filings, but stayed close to their original orbits. [74], In February 2021, SpaceX completed raising an additional US$3.5 billion in equity financing over the previous six months,[75][76] to support the capital-intensive phase of the operational fielding of Starlink, plus the development of the Starship launch system. [6]​ En noviembre de 2018, la empresa recibió la autorización del ente gubernamental estadounidense (FCC) para desplegar 7.518 satélites de banda ancha, que se sumarían a los 4.425 aprobados en marzo del mismo año.[7]​. [207], By October 2017, the expectation for large increases in satellite network capacity from emerging lower-altitude broadband constellations caused market players to cancel some planned investments in new geosynchronous orbit broadband communications satellites. una exención de la regla de los seis años. Primer lanzamiento de satélites Starlink operacionales. [77][78], In May 2021, SpaceX stated that they had over 500,000 Starlink orders by consumers. The cost of the decade-long project to design, build, and deploy the constellation was estimated by SpaceX in May 2018 to be at least US$10 billion. Tight fit", "Much will likely go wrong on 1st mission. [4] [22], In November 2018, SpaceX received U.S. regulatory approval to deploy 7,518 broadband satellites, in addition to the 4,425 approved earlier. Falcon 9 first-stage boosters are designated with a construction serial number and an optional flight number when reused, e.g. [40]​ Documentos internos filtrados en febrero de 2017 indican que SpaceX esperaba obtener ingresos de Starlink por más de 30.000 millones USD en 2025, mientras que los ingresos por lanzamientos alcanzarán los 5.000 millones USD en el mismo año. [12]​, La apertura de las instalaciones para construir la nueva red de comunicaciones fue anunciada en enero de 2015. Los dos satélites de prueba iniciales se lanzaron con éxito a una órbita terrestre baja sincrónica al sol el 22 de febrero de 2018, y pasaron a llamarse Tintin A y Tintin B. [44]​, En 2015, documentos judiciales indican que SpaceX había colaborado con el fabricante de chips inalámbricos Broadcom. Proposed orbital configuration", "SpaceX Seeks FCC Permission for Operating All First-Gen Starlink in Lower Orbit", "Application for Fixed Satellite Service by Space Exploration Holdings, LLC [SAT-MOD-20200417-00037]", "U.S. FCC approves SpaceX satellite deployment plan", "SpaceX wants to fly some internet satellites closer to Earth to cut down on space trash", "SPACEX NON-GEOSTATIONARY SATELLITE SYSTEM – ATTACHMENT A", "Re: Space Exploration Holdings, LLC, IBFS File No. Starlink satellites use Hall-effect thrusters with krypton gas as the reaction mass[99][178] for orbit raising and station keeping. The launch also surpassed ISRO's record of launching the most of satellites in one mission (143), taking to 1,025 the cumulative number of satellites deployed for Starlink to that date. [167] Initial plans as of January 2015[update] were for the constellation to be made up of approximately 4,000 cross-linked[154] satellites, more than twice as many operational satellites as were in orbit in January 2015. [145], SpaceX intends to provide satellite internet connectivity to underserved areas of the planet, as well as provide competitively priced service in more urbanized areas. Notes From the Expert. [8]​[69]​ En octubre de 2018, SpaceX confirmó que los satélites de prueba funcionaban como se esperaba y anunció mediados de 2019 como fecha objetivo para los lanzamientos iniciales de la constelación. [60], By August 2020, a Falcon rocket was sent to SpaceX's Starlink Internet network with 58 more broadband relay nodes, to make the total of 653 satellites since May 2019. [68]​ Early designs had all phase 1 satellites in altitudes of around 1100–1300 km. MicroSat 2a y 2b fueron colocados en una órbita de 514 km. [64], On 4 November 2020, SpaceX conducted its one millionth Starlink test and doubled the connection speed. Se estima que dicho observatorio se vería perjudicado por las megaconstelaciones —con Starlink como protagonista— en un rango de entre 30% a 40% de sus observaciones durante varias horas de la noche. Messier, Doug (3 de marzo de 2017 fechaacceso=27 de diciembre de 2018). [227][228] SpaceX has said that most of the satellites are launched at a lower altitude, and failed satellites are expected to deorbit within five years without propulsion. * denotes unflown vehicles or engines, and future missions or sites. The hardware for Starlink is priced at $649, shipping costs $65, taxes come to $92 and the service costs $129 per month. Tregloan-Reed, J.; Otarola, A.; Ortiz, E.; Molina, V.; Anais, J.; González, R.; Colque, J. P.; Unda-Sanzana, E. (16 de marzo de 2020). [34], SpaceX trademarked the name Starlink for their satellite broadband network in 2017;[35] the name was inspired by the book The Fault in Our Stars.[36]. [33] By 2017, the FCC had set a six-year deadline to have an entire large constellation deployed to comply with licensing terms. [11] SpaceX started a private beta service in the Northern United States in August 2020[12] and a public beta in October 2020,[13] service beginning at high latitudes between 44° and 52° North. "Satélites más pequeños son cruciales para reducir el costo de Internet y las comunicaciones basadas en el espacio". El regulador internacional, la Unión Internacional de Telecomunicaciones, propuso a mediados de 2017 unas directrices internacionales que serían considerablemente menos restrictivas. [55]​, Un proyecto astronómico que se vería bastante afectado es el Observatorio Vera Rubin, en construcción en el norte de Chile. Starlink satellites are orbiting at .mw-parser-output .frac{white-space:nowrap}.mw-parser-output .frac .num,.mw-parser-output .frac .den{font-size:80%;line-height:0;vertical-align:super}.mw-parser-output .frac .den{vertical-align:sub}.mw-parser-output .sr-only{border:0;clip:rect(0,0,0,0);height:1px;margin:-1px;overflow:hidden;padding:0;position:absolute;width:1px}1⁄105 to 1⁄30 of the height of geostationary orbits, and thus offer more practical Earth-to-sat latencies of around 25 to 35 ms, comparable to existing cable and fiber networks. En su lugar, se conectará a terminales de usuario del tamaño de una caja de pizza, que tendrán antenas en fase y rastrearán a los satélites. Instead, it will be linked to flat user terminals the size of a pizza box, which will have phased array antennas and track the satellites. «Mobile Internet from the Heavens». [155][156], In February 2015, financial analysts questioned established geosynchronous orbit communications satellite fleet operators as to how they intended to respond to the competitive threat of SpaceX and OneWeb LEO communication satellites. [47]​[48]​ Si bien los detalles de la tecnología de las antenas se ha divulgado como parte de la solicitud de frecuencias, SpaceX buscó la confidencialidad con respecto a los detalles de los enlaces ópticos entre satélites, salvo en el hecho de que utilizarán frecuencias por encima de 10.000 GHz. [21]​, En noviembre de 2016, SpaceX presentó una solicitud ante la FCC para un «sistema de satélites de órbita no geoestacionaria para un servicio fijo utilizando bandas de frecuencia Ku y Ka». Los dos satélites idénticos se denominaron MicroSat-2a y MicroSat-2b[61]​ durante el desarrollo, pero pasaron a llamarse Tintin A y Tintin B durante el despliegue orbital en febrero de 2018. How these versions differ from v1.0 has not been made public as of March 2021[update]. Launches are separated by dots ( • ), payloads by commas ( , ), multiple names for the same satellite by slashes ( / ). Los satélites saldrán de su órbita por propulsión trasladándose a una órbita desde la cual volverán a ingresar a la atmósfera de la Tierra en aproximadamente un año después de completar su misión». Se planificó la contratación inicial de sesenta ingenieros y de otros mil trabajadores en los años siguientes. de Selding, Peter B. [26]​ El desarrollo comenzó en 2015, y los primeros prototipos de satélite fueron lanzados el 22 de febrero de 2018. The reduction in g-band magnitude is 0.8 magnitude (55%). [174] "In order to revolutionize space, we have to address both satellites and rockets". (23 de febrero de 2015). Called the "Very-Low Earth Orbit (VLEO) constellation",[27] it would comprise 7,518 satellites and would orbit at just 340 km (210 mi) altitude,[28] while the smaller, originally planned group of 4,425 satellites would operate in the Ka- and Ku-bands and orbit at 1,200 km (750 mi) altitude. [84], In March 2020, SpaceX reported producing six satellites per day. [41] Also in November 2018, SpaceX made new regulatory filings with the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to request the ability to alter its previously granted license in order to operate approximately 1,600 of the 4,425 Ka-/Ku-band satellites approved for operation at 1,150 km (710 mi) in a "new lower shell of the constellation" at only 550 km (340 mi)[42] orbital altitude. [41]​[42]​, En febrero de 2015, analistas financieros cuestionaron a los operadores de satélites geosincrónicos de comunicaciones en cuanto a cómo pretenden responder a la amenaza que representará la inminente competencia de los satélites en órbita baja de SpaceX, Google y OneWeb. Telesat announced a smaller 117 satellite constellation in 2015 with plans to deliver initial service in 2021. SpaceX’s Starlink satellite internet service is live and available in a limited beta in some regions, including places in Canada.For the moment, it doesn’t work on the move — the beta sign-up forms clearly state that Starlink is limited to the location users enter at checkout. Does Starlink Pose a Space Debris Threat? [23]​ [51]​, El sistema si competirá con la constelación de satélites Iridium, que está diseñada para conectarse directamente a los teléfonos. [117] On 27 April 2020, Musk announced that the company would introduce a new sunshade designed to reduce the brightness of Starlink satellites. SpaceX filed documents in late 2017 with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to clarify their space debris mitigation plan, under which the company was to: "...implement an operations plan for the orderly de-orbit of satellites nearing the end of their useful lives (roughly five to seven years) at a rate far faster than is required under international standards. Esta configuración, llamada "de filo de cuchillo" o "de libro abierto", busca limitar al máximo el área de reflexión del satélite. [50]​ [57], SpaceX has long-term plans to develop and deploy a version of the satellite communication system to serve Mars. SAT-LOA-20161115-00118", "Here's what you need to know about SpaceX's Starlink internet service", "SpaceX Successfully Tests Inter-Satellite Starlink Connectivity Via Lasers", "SpaceX's Starlink internet shows fast speeds during early tests, capable of gaming and streaming", "SpaceX chief Elon Musk has high hopes for Seattle office", "In 5G proceeding, SpaceX urges FCC to protect future satellite ventures", "SpaceX hits two milestones in plan for low-latency satellite broadband", "Will be simpler than IPv6 and have tiny packet overhead. SpaceX initially requested to lower the first 1584 satellites, and in April 2020 requested to lower all other higher satellite orbits to about 550 km. [102], On 17 April 2020, in documentation to the FCC, SpaceX said lower altitude will put the satellites closer to Starlink consumers and allow the network "to provide low-latency broadband to unserved and underserved Americans that is on par with service previously only available in urban areas". [6]​, Los satélites emplearán enlaces ópticos entre sí y antenas de haz en fase digitales en las bandas Ku y Ka, según los documentos presentados ante la Comisión Federal de Comunicaciones (FCC) de los Estados Unidos. La órbita de despliegue de los satélites será de 386 x 212 km en lugar de los usuales ~290 kilómetros circulares. [29]​[30]​ La FCC acordó con la NASA exigir un estándar mayor al 90% nominal en la confiabilidad de la salida de órbita de los satélites, al finalizar sus misiones. Segundo viaje compartido en una misión Starlink de satélites de terceros. [34], With plans by several providers to build commercial space-Internet mega-constellations of thousands of satellites increasingly likely to become a reality, the U.S. military began to perform test studies in 2018 to evaluate how the networks might be used. [citation needed] In September 2017, both Boeing and SpaceX petitioned the United States FCC for a waiver of the six-year rule,[33] but they were denied. Starlink is a little pricey. Worst case, even if overestimated consumer desire for Starlink by 5%, that still suggests incumbent ISPs could lose as much as 46% of their business to Starlink. The two identical satellites were called MicroSat-2a and MicroSat-2b[193] during development but were renamed Tintin A and Tintin B upon orbital deployment on 22 February 2018. Ejemplo: B1021.1 y B1021.2 representan los dos vuelos del núcleo B1021 (. But Starlink is proving immensely popular, and growing fast-- in fact, just earlier this month, Musk opened up Starlink to widespread subscription in … Se espera que los 4.425 satélites iniciales de SpaceX orbiten a altitudes de entre 1.110 y 1.325 km, muy por encima de la Estación Espacial Internacional. Llamada «constelación de banda V en órbita terrestre baja» (VLEO), consistiría en 7.518 satélites para seguir la propuesta anterior de 4.425 satélites que funcionarían en las bandas Ka y Ku. [49]​, Los satélites serían producidos en masa, a un costo por unidad de capacidad mucho menor que los satélites existentes. Los primeros 1584 satélites son desplegados en 24 planos orbitales de 66 satélites cada uno, con un ángulo mínimo de emisión de señal mejorado (de 40 a 25 grados), respecto a las otras 2 capas orbitales. These charges bring the startup cost to a total of $806. The first phase will still include 1,440 satellites in the first shell orbiting at 550 km (340 mi) in planes inclined 53.0°,[10] with no change to the first shell of the constellation launched largely in 2020. [168][169] While specifics of the phased array technologies have been disclosed as part of the frequency application, SpaceX enforced confidentiality regarding details of the optical inter-satellite links. [154] Nevertheless, internal documents leaked in February 2017 indicated that SpaceX expected more than US$30 billion in revenue by 2025 from its satellite constellation, while revenues from its launch business were expected to reach US$5 billion in the same year. First time the satellites were released in an elliptical orbit (212 × 386 km). UU. Tight fit.», «Much will likely go wrong on 1st mission. [157] In October 2015, SpaceX President Gwynne Shotwell indicated that while development continues, the business case for the long-term rollout of an operational satellite network was still in an early phase. SpaceX would need to obtain a separate approval from the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). Winkler, Rolfe; Pasztor, Andy (13 de enero de 2017). Starlink is SpaceX's ambitious plan to build an interconnected network of about 12,000 small satellites, to beam high-speed internet from orbit to anywhere in the world. At the time of the June 2015 announcement, SpaceX had stated plans to launch the first two demonstration satellites in 2016,[25] but the target date was subsequently moved out to 2018. Los trabajos se realizaban en un espacio alquilado de 2.800 m² para fines de 2016, siendo luego trasladados a otro lugar con 3800 m², ambos en Redmond. The National Rural Electric Cooperative Association also filed a complaint about the awards to Starlink. [10], In October 2019, Elon Musk publicly tested the Starlink network by using an Internet connection routed through the network to post a tweet to social media site Twitter. SpaceX can also have business operation and economic considerations that may make a difference in which countries Starlink service is offered, in which order, and how soon. [38]​[39]​, Después de los fracasos anteriores de otras empresas de servicios satelitales, el consultor de la industria de satélites Roger Rusch dijo en 2015 que «Es altamente improbable que alguien pueda crear un negocio exitoso a partir de esto». En marzo, un juez del Condado de Orange negó múltiples solicitudes de órdenes de restricción de Broadcom. Musk said, "We're going to try and do for satellites what we've done for rockets". [85], Starlink satellites are also planned to launch on Starship, an under-development rocket of SpaceX that will launch 400 satellites at a time. SpaceX won subsidies to bring service to customers in 35 U.S. The international regulator, International Telecommunication Union (ITU), proposed in mid-2017 a guideline that would be considerably less restrictive. [20]​, Para octubre de 2016, SpaceX había desarrollado satélites de vuelo de prueba que esperaban lanzar en 2017, y se estaban enfocando en un desafío empresarial para lograr un diseño lo suficientemente económico para el usuario-cliente, con el objetivo de ofrecerle un equipo de fácil instalación por aproximadamente 200 USD. In the event, the first large deployment of 60 satellites in May 2019 were 227 kg (500 lb)[99] and SpaceX decided to place the satellites at a relatively low 550 km (340 mi), due to concerns about the space environment. A mediados de 2018, SpaceX reorganizó la división de desarrollo de satélites en Redmond y despidió a varios altos directivos en el proceso. They demonstrated Starlink connected to a "variety of air and terrestrial assets" including the Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker. Also, 6 more launches of 60 sats needed for minor coverage, 12 for moderate.», «First satellites for Musk's Starlink internet venture launched into orbit», «FCC OKs lower orbit for some Starlink satellites», «These are production design, unlike our earlier Tintin demo sats», «WOWOWOW!!!! [189], SpaceX has made applications to the FCC for at least 32 ground stations in United States, and as of July 2020[update] has approvals for 5 of them (in 5 states). In addition to SpaceX CEO Elon Musk announcing the project that would later be named Starlink, serial entrepreneur Richard Branson announced an investment in OneWeb, a similar constellation with approximately 700 planned satellites that had already procured communication frequency licenses for their radio spectrum. The terminals can be mounted anywhere, as long as they can see the sky. [18][19], The opening of the SpaceX satellite development facility in Redmond was announced by SpaceX in January 2015 with partners, to develop and build out the new communication network. [4]​ SpaceX también planea vender satélites para uso militar,[5]​ científico y de exploración. Los satélites se comunicarán con tres estaciones terrestres de prueba en Washington y California, para realizar experimentos diarios de corta duración (de menos de diez minutos). [19]​ Las ofertas de trabajo de SpaceX indicaban que la oficina incluiría procesamiento de señales, RFIC y desarrollo ASIC para el programa satelital. [181] Photographs of the customer antennas began to be seen on the internet in June 2020, supporting earlier statements by SpaceX CEO Musk that the terminals would look like a "UFO on a stick.
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